Meet Noodles (my cockatoo)


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Photos of my rather scruffy looking cockatoo (taken with a very low-quality camera!!!)





On my shoulder (you can kind of see where she has messed with her feathers here.)
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LOL, a lot of birds would be lucky if 'scruffy' was their look.

That is one bird that knows how to pose!
I love the way she is looking at you!

(afterthought: with all those pictures in the backgroud I almost expect her to be our tourguide/museumguide of some sort and we are in for a few very interesting hours, with lots of stories and interesting facts about them. She has this "if you have any questions, I know most of the answers" vibe going on.)
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hahah-- yeah she probably would tell you stories about the picture wall (they might be garbled and unintelligible, but I'm sure she knows more than I do lol..)
She's a beauty! Has she learned to enjoy showers of any sort? Often a challenge, but great for feathers.
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She stands on the center divider of my sink with the faucet running and plays in the water with her beak and feet---she also will play in a water-filled pie plate in her cage (OR less desirable, her water dish), and I can mist her (not so keen on this one), but she doesn't like really getting wet.

It seems that she LOVES touching water...but doesn't want it on her feathers..

So, kind of/kind of not..argh..I WISH SHE WERE MORE WILLING THOUGH!
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Many parronts find misting to be the gateway for enjoying water. I have several bottles from a "dollar store" which have an adjustable nozzle. A technique is to offset the bottle from the bird and aim the spray upwards, allowing the droplets to fall naturally from above.
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Thanks- I will try that. I also always worry about how warm I need to keep her after she gets wet. Thoughts?
Oooooh-weeee! That second shot is gonna drive the roosters crazy! Pin-up material!
My 'too doesn't like full baths, either. He bathes his head and feet in his water dish when I vacuum. LOL I've tried misting, he hates it. I've given him bigger dishes of water. He ignores them. Yours is gorgeous and doesn't look any scruffier than most 'toos. They're just kind of a messy bird, really. Does she comb her feathers with her talons? Rocky does, so the ends of his wings and tail are always ragged.
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Thanks guys! Siobahn-- She does this weird under-chin + slow-motion scratch that makes her look like a dang hyena hahah-- She also chews this one feather on the back of her neck like a pacifier when she is bored (makes her look even more like a hyena) haha
Yup, Rocky does that, too, and so does one of my Quakers, Clyde. Like a professor when a student asks a dumb question and the professor's stalling while he thinks of something to say other than "That was a dumb question." LOL I call it The Thinker pose.
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  • #14
lol!!!!!!!!!! EXACTLY.

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