military macaw in local shelter


New member
Aug 30, 2015
cockatiel ((Jake))
eclectus ((ziggy))
while searching the various Maine shelters websites, i came across this gorgeous bird

Harley | Animal Welfare Society (AWS) | West Kennebunk, Maine Animal Welfare Society

and while i really cant have another bird right now, im just in love with him! if i was a stay at home person id go get him tomorrow! but, i work a full time job and i have a cockatiel and an eclectus already. i just cant help but admire this beauty! i hope he finds a loving home! there really arent many shelters in maine that have anything other than parakeets, finches or cockatiels so when i saw him i felt i had to share! maybe someone on here is close enough to scoop him up and love him forever! :DD


New member
Jan 22, 2012
Las Cruces, NM
Pineapple Turquoise Greencheek Conure-Ivy❤️, Male Cockatiel-Lusa (aka Bub =D)
I have no rescues where I am. There's one that's 3 hours away but they don't respond to interested adopters!! It's not the greatest): I've totally resorted to craigslist and it just depresses the heck outta me. Lol but if I lived in Maine I would take him in a heart beat!! What a beautiful military(:)

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