molting is done so what is going on??


New member
May 3, 2014
Sun Conure (Pipa), hatched 12/31/13
Hello everyone, again!
Pipa has just gotten done with her second molt. She was attitude-y but she was the same way during her first molt, so I knew what to expect.
A week or so after that, which was about 3 days later, she started becoming VERY nippy. This was accompanied with "I want absolutely everything you set your hands on" as well as screaming and whining and moaning. I know they go through phases so I thought maybe she was just cranky that day...
Next two days were filled with the same thing. Last night she tried to run her butt on me, which I know is self pleasing, so I didn't allow her. She was still exhibiting the same nippy, obnoxious behavior.
This morning, she's just as bad, minus the butt rubbing.

I have not changed her diet, a few changes have happened around her, but those were two weeks ago. My mom, her secondary caretaker while I was at work, came back. She was okay with it until she got near her face, which she would then bite and draw blood from.
she is now okay with her but like I said, as started to just bite hard and behave all crazy.
What's going on? How should I handle it?
How old is Pipa? Because it sure sounds a whole lot like hormones to me. I would discourage the butt rubbing, and work on ways to keep that little beak busy like foraging toys, her favourite material that she can destroy (but not make nest material out of), and do your best not to stroke her back or under her wings. Work on new tricks with her that are more hands off, like target training, playing fetch, spinning around, etc. If you're able to mentally exhaust her, it might help take her mind off the surge of hormones going through her body right now.

And just try to remind her how biting isn't acceptable, but don't let it stop you from interacting with her. They do remember how you treat them during hormones, and the less you handle them the less you will be able to handle them in the future. Also try to let her get about 12 hours of sleep to help offset her natural body rhythms. Long days and short nights = breeding time. If she has any nooks or crannies in her cage like a cuddle cove, remove them. And if she gets really bad, try moving the items in her cage around every few days. I just finished dealing with Avery's hormones and it sucked, but now she's all good and my cuddle bug again :)
is she biting hard on purpose? YoYo's a baby, and tests everything. he drew blood a few times, he didnt know he was hurting me, though. i saw a technique on youtube that was very effective for me, when hed nip to hard, put the pad of your finger on his beak gently, and repeat a phrase. i say "not too hard" in a soft voice a few times while looking calmly in his eyes. he picked up on it very quickly, hes giving ticklish preening nibbles now.
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She just turned one in January.
She is more calm in the morning and totally crazy at night. I will definitely not Pet her in those areas and ensure she gets 12 hours of sleep.
She has one of those cozy tents but hasn't slept inside in 6 months. She just perches atop it. She hates being in her cage and whines and screams when I'm away. Usually she would screech for a little and then calm lately.

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