Moluccan cockatoo cage


New member
Jan 18, 2012
Green male Indian Ringneck
Hey all,
I posted recently about working with a galah at a local rescue. Unfortunately, the galah was pending adoption and went home with someone else. In the meantime a new beautiful sweet Moluccan came into rescue and I fell head over heels. I’ve owned an Amazon and pionus before but this will be my first extra large bird! I’m so excited. I will be bringing him home next week sometime so started looking for cages. I found 2 on marketplace , one is a dome top and the other a play top. Dome top is 5-1/2 feet height by 3-1/2 feet wide by 2-1/2 feet deep and play top is 6 feet high (without stand and play top)3 feet wide by 2-1/2 feet deep. I want to go for larger cage obviously but think a play top would be more useful. What do you guys think about these 2? Is the play top large enough ?




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We have 2 very similar cages both styles. Our parrots really only sleep in them. They are out in their aviary all day. However, We feed them breakfast and dinner on the outside of the cages. The dome top one we had to buy perches and screw on type food bowls for. The play top one has all of that included. So, we like it better. However, the poop tray for the play top makes the cage dark, which is not good. I guess they both have their drawbacks. I hope that helps
I’ve actually developed a philosophy on this, personally having worked with both.

It really comes down to personal preference (easy to say, hard to judge if you’ve never had both). But essentially, dome top for primary cage where the bird will spend most of their time (ie in their bedroom if they have one) because more head room. Play top for more entertainment/out in the living room situation as a separate smaller cage.

With how Parker behaves, playtops are only moderately useful. If the bird doesn’t want to stay put or otherwise If yours is nomadic, they can easily climb down to the floor. If they are prone to wandering, the whole concept play top becomes mute. But you’ll never know if your bird will use it until...well, until you use it!

Is buying both an option for you?
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I prefer a flatter roof, or one with a lower dome (one of noodles' cage has sort of flattish sides and works its way up to a hill, but things often roll off of it because it isn't flat). It can also be easier to cover a flat cage in some cases.

I would say go even larger if you are able. Those look a bit small for an M2--Wider and deeper are important in comparison to height, but you do still want some overheard for climbing/hanging large toys-- remember, toys will take up a lot of space and you want your bird to be able to flap freely without hitting its wings on objects. Also- make sure the wire gauging in whatever cage you get is going to stand up to an M2's very powerful beak. I'd look at macaw-type cages for an M2.

The ones you have seem narrow for a bird that size-- Maybe if you can find something like this? (not sure about this company and not a fan of the paint, but the size is good)-- It could be slightly smaller than this--this is HUGE, but one of Noodles' cages is about the size of the ones you selected, and she needs a larger cage for sure (which is why she doesn't use it very often)..U2s are large, but M2s are larger. PS- don't just stick random branches in your bird's enclosure (even though the picture shows that--- it isn't as simple as finding some wood and assuming it's safe)


The parrot below (sulfur crested) is smaller than either of ours and the cage is quite large (see below):


This guy (below) is way smaller than a U2 or M2 (significantly),and smaller than an s2 but the cage is quite large for his size:


If you work during the day and your bird will be spending many waking hours in the cage (even 4 or so) I would size-up.

OH-- Don't get one with a dark shelf on the top-- this can easily lead to hormones in cockatoos-- the cage should let in normal light until the bird goes to bed.

^forgot about that because I just found some and it makes the inside of the cage WAY too shadowy.
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Have stayed away from dome top as they (IMHO) are a pain to clean. And, if you get the dome that opens up, you will have to keep it shut as they tend to shut by themselves or with help from your Parrot, which catches the Parrot.

We have long used the play top and remove the upper seed catcher because they cause the cage area to be darker (as stated above).

With cages in general, look for full height front door as it greatly easies clean the cage.
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Thank you for all the input! I’m going to go with the play top for now to have something for him to be in when he comes home but will be on the lookout for a larger cage .
I agree I like flat top. Easier to attach perches on top of and set out dish for baths. Or veggies can

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