My 1 year old keeps chewing tail feathers


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Hi I need urgent help. My one year Alex is molting but he keeps chewing his tail feathers. Even his new growing ones. What can I do to make him stop he has no tail left !!
Best for you to have a vet visit to see if there's something irritating him. There can be different type of scenarios such as diet issue, etc....Have you been bathing him often?
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Yeah he gets bathed at least every 2 days in the shower
Try bathing him on a daily basis right now! There's been quite a few people says to use aloe on their feather and skin, perhaps give that a try? I feel strange rubbing stuffs into my bird's
the bird bath spray called 'rain' is just water and aloe. Other bird bath sprays are usually not worth the money, they say to avoid food and water(if it can't go in food in water it shouldn't be sprayed on your bird) and tend to make birds look greasy and gross.

If you use aloe make sure it's 100% aloe, some aloes have extra stuff that you don't want.

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