My beloved Zoe


New member
Oct 6, 2020
I am gutted and lost. I took my GCC to the vet Friday for plucked feathers. I was expecting an infection or something. Antibiotics and sent home. I was totally unprepared to be told that she had renal failure due to kidney tumours. She was plucking over her kidneys due to pain and suffering.

I made that terrible decision to let her go. She was not recovering from the anesthesia. He said she wouldnā€™t. I let her go. I couldnā€™t even say goodbye. Due to Covid they wouldnā€™t let me in. That little rushed snuggle we had when I got home from work is all Iā€™ll have forever. I knew this day would destroy me. She was my baby. I donā€™t know what to do. My life revolved around her and her care. My heart is broken. I miss you so much baby girl.
My deepest condolences for the passing of your beloved Zoe. Every loss is gut wrenching, a Covid-inspired barrier exacerbates the cruelty of untreatable illness. Please allow yourself to grieve, in time Zoe's beautiful memories will outshine sadness and despair.
Iā€™m so sorry for your loss, I can tell that she was very loved.
Opeth_girl, I'm so very sorry for your loss and I feel awful for you that you were not able to be with Zoe at the end. Unfortunately I understand only too well that feeling of utter desolation, my baby boy Baci passed at the vet clinic when I left him there overnight to be treated for pancreatitis just over two years ago. My whole life revolved around him too, just as yours did with Zoe.

Your Zoe was a very lucky little birdie to have been so loved by you. I have no doubt she knew just how much you loved her and that she loved you right back. Many people do not understand what it means to love and be loved by these precious feathered angels, nor do they appreciate how powerful the bond is that we share with them, but here you are among friends who most certainly do understand and we share your pain. Please know that we are here for you and that our thoughts and deepest condolences are with you.

Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge, beautiful Zoe, until we meet again.
I am very sorry for your loss. i made a donation to Cornell University Vet college, in Zoƫ's name, with the instruction that the donation be used exclusively for parrot relater research and programs. I hope this helps ease your pain. Losing a Parrot is like losing a child. I know your pain.
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Thank you for the kind replies and the donation!

Iā€™m lucky in that I have family that does understand how much you can love an animal, and I was lucky to have my baby girl as long as I did. She was small for a Green cheek and the vet at the time said she had some deformities that wouldnā€™t ā€œaffect her quality of life, but might her quantity of lifeā€. I guess he was right
I did the very best I could with her. She never wanted for anything, only had 1 owner in her 15yrs and couldnā€™t possibly have been loved more. Iā€™m trying to take solace in that. But it hurts so much. She was what I had instead of a child. I have other birds, but no other companion parrots. I just donā€™t know what to do now. I am lost
I am crying so hard with you. Im so glad she isn't in pain, and chronic kidnemy issues make yiu feel awful. 15 is good long life

I hate that Covid 19 pandemic has effected so much, even saying goodbye to loved ones.

It hurts so very bad... all you can do is honor that love and that pain. Be soft with yourself
Thank you for the kind replies and the donation!

Iā€™m lucky in that I have family that does understand how much you can love an animal, and I was lucky to have my baby girl as long as I did. She was small for a Green cheek and the vet at the time said she had some deformities that wouldnā€™t ā€œaffect her quality of life, but might her quantity of lifeā€. I guess he was right
I did the very best I could with her. She never wanted for anything, only had 1 owner in her 15yrs and couldnā€™t possibly have been loved more. Iā€™m trying to take solace in that. But it hurts so much. She was what I had instead of a child. I have other birds, but no other companion parrots. I just donā€™t know what to do now. I am lost

You gave Zoe a wonderful life! That she returned so much love makes for deeply painful loss. Retaining a cluster of feathers (if possible) helps me focus grief even though they are placed in a drawer out of sight for a long while. Think of it as a repository for sadness that gives way to bright memories over time.
Thank you for the kind replies and the donation!

Iā€™m lucky in that I have family that does understand how much you can love an animal, and I was lucky to have my baby girl as long as I did. She was small for a Green cheek and the vet at the time said she had some deformities that wouldnā€™t ā€œaffect her quality of life, but might her quantity of lifeā€. I guess he was right
I did the very best I could with her. She never wanted for anything, only had 1 owner in her 15yrs and couldnā€™t possibly have been loved more. Iā€™m trying to take solace in that. But it hurts so much. She was what I had instead of a child. I have other birds, but no other companion parrots. I just donā€™t know what to do now. I am lost

I'm so glad you have loving people around you who can help to support you through this. Loving a little bird so much is truly a double-edged sword since the heartbreak is so great when they are gone, and I wish that there were words that I could say to lessen your pain and grief. You gave Zoe the gift of a loving home and a fantastic quality of life that she may not have had elsewhere and you definitely should take some comfort in that fact. I know that she is thankful for all the love you gave her, and that she would not want you to be so broken-hearted. Take all the time you need to grieve her and honour her, but please be kind to yourself too. Sending prayers and warm feathered hugs your way, Opeth_girl :smile015:

"I will lend to you, a bird," God said, "and teach you all you have to do,
And when I call her back to Heaven, you will know she loved you too."
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Thank you and thank you for reminding me. I do actually have a whole tails worth of feathers from an incident yrs ago. Maybe I can make a shadow box or something with those and one of her toys. I always said I was going to do that. Iā€™ve hung her favourite bell on my memory board. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m up to doing right now. Thank you all for the support. Itā€™s really appreciated
Thank you and thank you for reminding me. I do actually have a whole tails worth of feathers from an incident yrs ago. Maybe I can make a shadow box or something with those and one of her toys. I always said I was going to do that. Iā€™ve hung her favourite bell on my memory board. Thatā€™s all Iā€™m up to doing right now. Thank you all for the support. Itā€™s really appreciated

I think you are on to a wonderful way of memorializing Zoe.
That's a great way to memorialize Zoe! I wish I had saved my Max's feathers for something like that.

If and when you consider getting another parrot, I would try a different species, for 2 reasons. 1. he/she will always remind you of Zoe, and that could be mentally painful, and 2. You might be tempted to expect them to behave and act like Zoe, and every parrot is different and it's own bird. Its hard to accept a new parrot anyway, but if you keep measuring them up to Zoe, you could be very disappointed.

But always - let the parrot choose you!
Iā€™m so very sorry for your loss.

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