My Conure has laid eggs !


New member
Jan 6, 2017
Toronto, Canada
2 Conures - Female yellow sided/green cheek & Male pineapple conure
Hi there I am new to parrot forums and have a couple questions about my conures and I am hoping someone can help me out !

So I've had a green cheek / yellow sided conure for about 4 years now, I recently started a new job and I now work longer hours and have less time to interact with her so I decided to get her a friend to keep her company. I got my second conure, a pineapple conure about a year ago now and from day one they got along very well, never fought and they live together in a large cage with plenty of toys as well as a nesting box.

About 2 months ago I realized my female conure was not coming out which I found weird because shes usually the first to come to me and instantly comes running out of the box when she hears me filling their food but she didnt so I decided to look in the box and sure enough there she was with 2 eggs!!!

Since then the male conure has become very territorial and aggressive in terms of handling and even trying to go into the cage. As for the female she NEVER comes out not even to eat or drink, is that normal? is it possible that the male is bringing food into the box for her?

I dont know anything about bird breeding and this is my first time ever seeing or dealing with birds and eggs. I also read on the internet that the eggs should hatch within 18-24 days. If I am right, she must have laid the eggs somewhere between December 13 and 19 however im not sure when exactly she laid them because I didnt even know they were there until after christmas so I am guessing thats roughly when they were laid. its been about 21 days since I discovered the eggs, I check on her daily just becuse she doesnt come out of the box and it worries me.

I checked on her this morning, shes still alive and looks healthy but as soon as i lift open the top of the nesting box she starts bopping her head, does that mean she is getting agitated? should i just leave her alone?

ANOTHER THING I FOUND IS THAT WHEN I CHECKED ON HER THIS MORNING WE OFFICIALLY HAVE ONE BABY CONURE THAT HAS HATCHED &&&& not only did one egg hatch but there are now more eggs!! the last time i checked there were only 2 eggs now there are 5. (1 baby and 4 unhatched eggs)
-----> not sure when the first one hatched only discovered it today. What do i do now? how do i know if she is feeding them? will the daddy bird also take part in bringing food in to her and the babies? Should i remove dad from cage or do i keep the family together? will the other eggs hatch why did only 1 hatch?

I have not candled any of the eggs 1. because i dont want to stress out mom 2. I am scared to handle them and possibly break any and 3. mom and dad are very protective and is nearly impossible to get near the eggs.

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I am bumping you back up:)


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Jan 1, 2017
Cockatiels (and bird rescue volunteer!)
Are you wanting to have more birds since you put in a nest box? I've seen a few posts that advise removing the nest box or using dummy eggs to avoid the eggs hatching.

Only one egg hatched for now because she laid them at different times most likely. That's okay.

Many male bird species bring food to the nesting female. Two months to be holed up in her box though seems like a lot. Maybe she is out more when you are away? You want to continue to interact with them to keep the relationship and notice when something is wrong.


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Jan 6, 2017
Alberta, Canada
I have a awesome cockatoo houseguest that I'm hoping will stay.
3 IRN's
4 pairs of GCC
4 pairs of cockatiels
3 pairs of bourkes and 4 extra males
2 pairs of Linnies
2 pairs of budgies
Don't worry about bugging the chicks all that much right now. Just do a daily box check and make sure everyone is doing ok.

Dad will feed mom in the box, and she will for the most part only come out once a day to poop.

The cage aggression is normal as they are just protecting the family. This is normal and good parenting.
With dad, just leave the cage door open and he'll come for a brief visit.

The eggs will hatch every second day as they where laid. Leave eggs in that don't hatch for the chicks as mom keeps them warm and when she leaves the box they act like little hot water bottles.

Feed mom and dad lots of fresh, chop and pellet as they are feeding the family.


Are you planning on hand feeding?

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New member
Jan 6, 2017
Toronto, Canada
2 Conures - Female yellow sided/green cheek & Male pineapple conure
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Okay thanks ! Ive been very overwhelmed with questions and concerns I have no clue about. I am willing and prepared to handfeed the babies, at what age should I start trying to handle them and I feed parents a harrisons pellet food as well as fresh veggies and fruit. Is there anything specific I should be feeding them especially mom so she can keep herself healthy and continue to take care of babies? Ive seen on the internet that it says to add calcium to their water, is that okay? Ive tried cuddle bones but my female conure has no interest in them at all.


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Jan 6, 2017
Toronto, Canada
2 Conures - Female yellow sided/green cheek & Male pineapple conure
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So is it okay to leave dad in the cage with mom and hatchlings or will she continue to lay eggs as long as their together, or do they only do this a couple times a year?


New member
Jan 6, 2017
Alberta, Canada
I have a awesome cockatoo houseguest that I'm hoping will stay.
3 IRN's
4 pairs of GCC
4 pairs of cockatiels
3 pairs of bourkes and 4 extra males
2 pairs of Linnies
2 pairs of budgies
I pull my babies at 18-21 days.
Leave both parents in as they co-raise the chicks.

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New member
Jan 6, 2017
Alberta, Canada
I have a awesome cockatoo houseguest that I'm hoping will stay.
3 IRN's
4 pairs of GCC
4 pairs of cockatiels
3 pairs of bourkes and 4 extra males
2 pairs of Linnies
2 pairs of budgies
When you pull the chicks pull the box as well to give mom and dad a break.

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New member
Jan 6, 2017
Alberta, Canada
I have a awesome cockatoo houseguest that I'm hoping will stay.
3 IRN's
4 pairs of GCC
4 pairs of cockatiels
3 pairs of bourkes and 4 extra males
2 pairs of Linnies
2 pairs of budgies
If mom and dad will eat it add a bit of protein (scrambled eggs for example).
You can add liquid calcium drops to the water. Or scrape cuttlebone onto the chop.

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