My Dexter is a shy talker - is that normal?


New member
Jul 18, 2015
New Jersey
Dexter, SI Eclectus
Dexter will chitter chatter away, speaking the handful of words he's picked up, laughing, squawking, singing and making what can only be described as adorable chicken noises - as long as he is alone in the room. The minute any of us come in (or even spy around the corner) he clams up. His cage is in a fairly busy part of the house. At dinnertime, we move his cage over next to the table and he is fed when the family sits down to eat, it's our flock meal. He clearly responds to music, because when I put it on he vocally goes to town, but if I walk into the room he stops immediately. He will coo and caw softly for my youngest daughter who he adores, but for the rest of us he's quiet as a mouse. Is this something he'll outgrow? I know most people comment on how noisy their parrots are, but I'm wishing for a bit more vocalization!


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Griffin my Ruppell's parrot started to talk at about a year old maybe, and ONLY when he's still under the cage cover in the morning when he wakes up, and not everyday. Maybe several times a month, although it might be getting more frequent. He still only says a couple things and has the cutest voice. He said something new this morning, but I couldn't make out what it was. He is by far the quietest parrot I've ever met. Both in volume AND how frequently he makes a sound. Because of that, I'm not counting on Griffin becoming much of a talker.

That's funny how Dexter doesn't want anyone to hear him lol. I don't know... maybe it's just him. They're all different!


Well-known member
Feb 6, 2010
Maryland - USA
Parker - male Eclectus

Aphrodite - red throated conure (RIP)
Not sure if he will outgrow it, but Parker is identical to this. I attribute it to being an attention getting device.

I talk, human comes running to me. Human arrives? Don't need to get his attention anymore.

The rare exception I've noticed is if he's put into a new situation or exciting situation he enjoys. I take him out when I take the dog out and he gets somewhat nervous, so coming inside he'll let off a wolf whistle. Or when he's in the shower with me hell whistle nonstop.

Aside from that, I only get to enjoy his massive vocabulary from a distance, when he hears us in another part of the house. Camera? Forget it, he clams up.

Frustrating, since I was told he would open up and I'd be having conversations with him. But his chatter is hilarious so I'll take what I get.


New member
Nov 1, 2014
Middle Earth
Ethyl the cockatiel, Henry & Clarke the IRN's, and Skittles the lovebird (my daughters)
My IRN gave me a couple of months of dawn and dusk chatter before he talked during the day more readily, and a couple of months again for that to increase in both volume and consistency. Now he talks non stop, unless someone is over or I'm trying to record it. Today I said to a visiting friend "He talks, but he's not going to let you hear it." Of course - then he talked up a storm. She's feeling very pleased with herself at the moment.

ETA: If we're all quiet, he often goes quiet. If the kids get noisy/the music is on/he's not the centre of attention/he can see other birds out the window, he gets louder again. Maybe find his triggers for practise?
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New member
Jun 30, 2014
Gizmo - Male Eclectus Parrot

Pebbles - Female Eclectus Parrot
I describe Gizmo as the singing frog:D (for those that remember the cartoon). If I want to convince someone he talks, then he won't say a word, break out the phone to record him, and same thing.

He isn't a big talker, as in he talks when he wants to, we can have the occasional conversation, but generally when we are interacting, it's things like he might do something like fly over with excitement and say "good boy" with pride, or as I'm prepping food say "yummy yummy".

My best hope of hearing his full repertoire is first thing in the morning before I uncover him, at night as he is going to sleep, when eggs are being cooked, kettle is boiling, music is on, having a loud conversation with friends when he is in the cage, or when he is wrestling his swing or kabob.

Sometimes he is lazy, soft voice, half words, mixed words, sometimes he is super clear, mostly when he is excited. A good shower is the best chance of having him talk with me.

I would love to be able to have him talk regularly when we are interacting, but I also wonder if I would enjoy it as much, nothing more satisfying than when he flies to me, lands on my arm and says in his loudest clearest voice "love you" and looks at me with absolute focus and pride. I don't think it would be as special if he just always said it.


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New member
Mar 27, 2014
Buddy - Red Crowned Amazon (27 yo)
Venus - Solomon Island Eclectus (4 yo)
Buzz CAG (2 yo)
Sam - Cockatiel 1997 - 2004
Tweety - Budgie 1984 - 1987
Sweety - Budgie 1985 - 1986
Buddy my GCA is a closet talker meaning he will only have full conversations with himself when no one is in the room. Other than that he's choosy about what he's going to say, Hello, everyone gets that but now he's saying wow, and out of the blue he said love you which he'll say to me but never when Husband is around lol. And Venus my Ekkie hasn't talked since we brought her home in January.

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