My new Green Cheek Conure Steve


New member
Jul 12, 2011

2 weeks ago I bought a 4 month old Green Cheek Conure, prior to this I have only owned small birds, cockatiels etc.

I bought him from a pet store, I am not sure if this is a good thing or a bad thing. It did mean that he was not very scared not even when I first got him home. The noises from the dogs and cats did not bother him.

However he had not really been handled. When the lady got him out of his cage to put him in the travel carrier she put on a glove and backed him in to a corner and grabbed him :(

Now that he is settled in he is very excited to see me when I get home, his cage is on wheels and I take him around the house where ever I go. He rushes over to the side closest to me and makes the cutest noises... The trouble begins when I try to get him out.

If I put my hand in the cage he bites me, I do not flinch or pull my hand away. I have decided that this may be to do with it being his territory so I tried opening his cage door and letting him get out. Once he is out he is not at all scared of me but he will bite me, unless it suits him and he wants to sit nicely (this happens very rarely for about 30 seconds).
He will not get on my finger, I have read online how to try and start training him to do so but he just starts biting me. If I leave him to play on his activity center he gets bored of it and comes over to me and then starts biting me again. At this point I put him back in the cage as I do not want him to think he can have fun out of the cage while misbehaving. Trouble is when I put him back in the cage he gets mad and flaps around making the loudest noises ever! Just obnoxious shrieking, he stops if I go back to his cage and give him attention or it just goes on for about 15 minutes...

Any suggestions on what to do with him? Or where to start?

Sorry I wrote an essay!


New member
Jun 4, 2011
Southern California
"Kiwi" My Hahn's Macaw and R.I.P. Buddy the GCC-2009 - 2011
Welcome to the forum, I'm sure you will find lots of answers to your questions!!! You should take your GCC to the vet, especially if the pet store is not too reputable! I used to have a GCC, they are so fun!


New member
Jul 6, 2011
San Diego
"Apple" Yellow-sided Green Cheeck Conure
I brought my Green Cheek home 3 days ago and he HATED me at first. Any time i'd get near him or his cage he would run over just to bite. I'd stick my finger out for him and say "step up" as soon as he bit I would say "No biting" turned my back and walked away. I didn't show him that biting hurt but more that it was "bad" so I would slowly pull my finger back not jerk it. 10 to 20 minutes later I would go back and do the same... He eventually stepped up without biting! Once he was out and about he sometimes would bite me while I tried to pet him or get him to go on my shoulder, once he bit he would go straight back to his cage top and left alone for another 20 minutes. 3 days later, he loves me and always wants to be with me. I know he came around VERY quickly so just be patient and go with the flow. Don't force him to do what he doesn't want to. Hope I helped a bit and good luck! :)


New member
Jul 12, 2011
Just give him time and love! Talk to him calmly and quietly. Some birds have a longer adjustment time than others. My bird used to chase us if we came near her cage, but loved to be held and preened but when we put her down on her cage it was chasing to bite again. We just took our time and lowered our voice and now she doesnt chase us anymore. She doesnt get down from our fingers when putting her down and when she knows we're going somewhere, she'll refuse to get on our fingers to put her back! Its hilarious! But just take it slow and maybe even try putting up with the biting until he knows you aren't going to hurt him. Good luck.

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