Nalani doesn't like men :(


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Pasadena, CA
~SI female eclectus: Nalani~
~pineapple.turquoise GCC: Layla~
So, everything has been perfect after her screaming went down. As a matter of fact, she even learned how to wave, step up on command and hang on my finger upside down. The whole family adores her until yesterday. My brother went into her cage in the morning to take her out and she bit the living crap out of his hand. There was a lot of blood and since then she growls and fluffs up whenever she sees my brother. She has yet to bite or show aggression to any girls (friends and family) but I do notice she gets upset around my brothers. Please help!! She's still pretty young (14 weeks today) and is being handfed currently with lots of fruits and veggies throughout the day. Is there any exercises my brother can do with her to get Nalani to trust him? Any advice will help greatly

Oh and here is my "angel that can do no wrong" :D

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New member
May 5, 2012
North Carolina
Senegal Male Bogart
Ouch! well it maybe time for your brothers to take up the step-up training and trick training using the "strick trick" (to save fingers) and giving treats and praise and being the only way your bird can get to you is through your brothers being the ones that get her out, this way she will learn that they are good to her and that the only way she gets to be with the ones she loves is through them,thus tolerance. and if she is bad (fluffing up and acting aggressive ) you all turn your backs on her and leave the room (shunning) if she bites your brothers you scold her and put her away and make a fuss over your brother "Big drama" and cast disapproving glances at your bird it shouldn't take long for her to understand bad behavior to one of the flock gets her shunned she won't want that.


Nov 16, 2011
I am not sure if there is an answer to this problem:( I have had Codie from a Baby and she decided she did not like Men from the start! They are still trying even after a Year, but she will have nothing to do with them:(


New member
Jun 23, 2012
Nashville tn
Screech - Sun Conure
Gitana - Eclectus
I agree with friedsoup, eclectus are very social as long as everyone works with them. Have your brother try getting her to step up on a wooden dowel. This will help keep him from getting bit. If she bites him to much it can become habit forming. The boys gotta work with her like you do though my husband is scared of Gitanas beak but he uses a dowel and she will go to him if he uses his hand she will bite him. I believe this is because she can sense his fear when he offers her a bare hand. So i tell him to use a dowel until he can get over his fear of her beak


New member
Jun 12, 2012
B&G Macaw
i do agree with everyone but i know about 4 people that have females in none of them like man... but it never hurts for him to try the training


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Pasadena, CA
~SI female eclectus: Nalani~
~pineapple.turquoise GCC: Layla~
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So I listened to everyone's advice. Fortunately she will step up onto his hand when she's outside her cage. last night my brother helped with the hand feeding, although she wasn't too keen on taking hand feeding formula from him, she didn't protest his presence. She tends to be most aggressive when I am not around, preventing my brother from getting her out of the cage when I'm at work or school. I do live in a 4 boy to 2 girl ratio, so I want her to be as comfortable as possible without my mom or I. Last thing I want is an anxious and nervous bird :/

Thanks everyone for the quick reply!! I really appreciate it. :)


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
They can still change don't worry :) My galah Rosie prefers men but she absolutely adores me over anyone else even though I'm a girl. Have your brother do trick training and it will help.

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