Narrowing it Down. Cockatiel/Senegal parrot


New member
Jul 11, 2012

After 12 days of extensive research and travel during the weekend to the library and nearby clinics, I feel very confident I would be able to give all the care and attention to a bird in my apartment. But the actually purchase would be a long way off, likely more than a month away or at least a year. I want to make sure I am financially stable and heck EVEN I just moved here, it would be hard for both me and the bird to be adjusting to a new home at the same time lol.

To get to the point, I will likely be setting up an appointment for next month at PAEP in Minneapolis/St. Paul So that I can spend time with many different types of birds and get the final "Am I sure this is what I want to do?" out of my system. Right now I have narrowed it down to getting either a Cockatiel or a Senegal Parrot, Granted the Parrot will have more energy, inquisitiveness, and will need more attention.

I am not asking which bird is better than the other, I would just like you all to share your experiences with either of these two birds.

Thanks in advance!
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Feb 20, 2012
Newbury Park, CA
Sully-2 year old cinnamon and Bella-3 year old normal
breeding pair of gcc, Scooter & BeeBee-Sully and Bella's normal son's, Rosey- Bella and Sully's cinnamon daughter, Ella & Sunny-American budgies
I can't help you with Senegals but I do have experience with cockatiels. My ex's male never stops whistling so make sure you know that before getting one. Cockatiels aren't real loud but they are persistent so you have to take that into account. That being said, he is also very fun to be around. He loves to dance and sing with the music. Cockatiels are great if you can stand constant noise!
Good luck with your decision, you sound like you are doing all you can to learn before getting one so I applaud you.


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Jul 11, 2012
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I can't help you with Senegals but I do have experience with cockatiels. My ex's male never stops whistling so make sure you know that before getting one. Cockatiels aren't real loud but they are persistent so you have to take that into account. That being said, he is also very fun to be around. He loves to dance and sing with the music. Cockatiels are great if you can stand constant noise!
Good luck with your decision, you sound like you are doing all you can to learn before getting one so I applaud you.

This is true I want to make sure I am doing the right thing, I will likely talk to my landlord the next time he/she is around, ( I have 2 landlords husband and wife but the wife seems to be the (expletive) of the roost, very friendly people though). However I won't get one unless my neighbors agree, I don't want to have to get rid of a bird just because I didn't make sure my neighbors were ok with it.


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Jul 9, 2012
2 Quakers, 1 ring neck and 4 budgies. Baby Eclectus due sept 2012
Sounds like you are going to make a great bird owner one day. Your thinking it through taking your time. I wish so many other would be that way. So if you do deside to get one good luck.


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Jul 11, 2012
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Sounds like you are going to make a great bird owner one day. Your thinking it through taking your time. I wish so many other would be that way. So if you do deside to get one good luck.

Thanks you so much Didomum that means alot!


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Jul 8, 2012
Brisbane, Australia
Elroy - Hahns macaw, Ponyo - Sun conure
Sounds like you will be a great bird carer :)

I only have experience with cockatiels and to be honest the noise hardly registered with me. Sure they can be pretty persistant with there calls and peoples tolerance differs but compared to other parrots it is a pretty quiet call. In an apartment that may be different but I doubt your neighbors would even know he existed in a well built building.

Sorry only ever met one senegal and he didnt make a sound so can't really comment on them.


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Apr 22, 2010
Merlin & Charlie (Senegals)
I personally love cockatiels, maybe when my budgie's eventually pass away I will add one to my flock... they're such happy cheery birds. ^^ (Touch wood that will be a long time off yet though!)

I have a senegal and I love him to bits, but I would not recommend a senegal to just anyone, I think they take real dedication and thick skin, both physically and mentally. They can be real nasty birds at times and it can seem like a really personal attack... but they're just moody birds. Merlin is one of the happiest birds I've ever come across, but it doesn't mean he won't take a good chunk out of my hands when he feels like it. So if you are considering a senegal, please bare that in mind. Their beaks may be small but their attitude makes up for that. They also go through 'phobic' or 'paranoid' phases and will start freaking out over 'nothing' at all (you move ever so slightly, someone comes in the room, you pick up a pen... etc) Merlin does this and it can be a little bit annoying as he then starts doing laps around the room screaming, but more than anything I don't like it because I hate that he seems to feel so threatened by something which 2 minutes ago he was probably playing with!

There's most of the negative done!

Senegals are fantastic little birds and they're not too loud in comparison to other parrots (but certainly louder than a cockatiel)

I was going to get a cockatiel before I got Merlin, I actually started hanging around the store daily waiting for the cockatiels to come in... and instead I went home with a cockatoo and then Merlin!

Senegals are great little bundles of fun. Mine is currently sat in his cage playing with his new toys making nice beep noises. Merlin is a little clingy but that is my fault and he soon settles when left on his own and begins playing, he just doesn't like people actually leaving him but that is more of a bird trait than a species specific.

I hope whichever you choose will work for you, you seem to be trying to be thorough with your research.

With hindsight I probably would have opted for a Meyers over a senegal but I don't regret Merlin even a tiny bit. Just Meyers are more mellow and considering how personally I have a habit of taking attacks from my pets, well... might just have been easier for me.

But hey, motherhood is never easy right guys? :)



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Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
I love cockatiels and have no experience with senegal parrots. Cockatiels are fun and have elegant look to them that few other parrots share. Another nice thing about cockatiels is all the inexpensive color morphs you have so you can buy a unique looking bird that will be easier to identify if lost.

If you get a male you can teach them to whistle songs and talk too, it's very fun to see them talking XD.

Here's a adorable video of the young cockatiel I found and tamed
[ame=]Shoulder crazy Dante bird - YouTube[/ame]

and here is is talking(skip to 2:00)
[ame=]Wachu doing pretty boy? - YouTube[/ame]


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Jul 16, 2012
Sun Conure, Quaker
I can share a little bit about having a cockatiel :) i have a 1year old cockatiel named Zeek. He is the happiest little guy and loves to sing! If you whistle a song he can learn it shortly and its so adorable to listen too! He can get a little obsessed with himself in the mirror, but its cute!! Just have to make sure you handle him enough so he doesnt loose his interest in humans and only communicate with the mirror. I would definitely recommend a cockatiel! They can some what talk also :) Zeek can say pretty bird. Hope this helps a little!


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Jan 31, 2012
My Senegal as only bit me once and that was when i was cutting his nails and I let my finger get to close, he's a bit too friendly and will fly to who ever comes into the room for a tickle, He does beak me if he's not happy but never with any force, my nephew had a cockatiel and it was a one person bird and would only let him go near the cage to feed or clean it.

Nothing stranger than a pet with a brain.


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Dec 23, 2011
British Columbia, Canada
Pixel: female senegal, hatched Dec 15, 2011
My senegal has not yet (key word being yet) bitten me. She's still young though; 7 months old. She's actually a pretty mellow bird so far. Not to say she's lazy, but she'll often sit on my window sill entranced by the goings-on outside for an hour or more. She can be a bit moody but I can always tell. She makes it very clear if she doesn't like something. Of course, she hasn't hit sexual maturity yet so I may have to eat my words! lol. Then there is the phobia thing; it's just bizarre sometimes. She loves blue pens, is terrified of red ones. My one blue shirt is fine if I wear it, horrifying if it's crumpled up on the ground. One day she'll love my friends, next day she throws herself across the room screaming like a banshee at the sight of them. I love her though, she's a fascinating, intelligent little creature.

Cockatiels I've never owned personally. But the ones I've met have always been sweet little birds. Very easy going, happy, always whistling away (the males anyways).

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