Nature - Parrot Confidential


New member
Mar 29, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Illiger's Macaw (Loki)
I was watching OPB (Oregon Public Brodcasting) tonight and the show Parrot Confidential was on. Anyone else catch this show? Made parrot owners look pretty bad, like owning a parrot for a pet is terrible and that most humans don't know how to truly care for a parrot.

At first I was a little peeved because being a member of this forum I know that there are people that do know what they are doing and have very healthy birds.....but then I realized that the folks on this site probably represent a small percentage of parrot owners.

Probably explains why there are so many rescues. Also makes me more determined to find my guy from a rescue and provide for him the best life I can.

Just wished they would have shown some success stories mixed in with all the birds that were given up....but I understand, they were probably trying to discourage parrot ownership to people that aren't ready for the commitment.
I have mixed feelings about that documentary.... On one hand I agree with some of it... on the other hand they left out so much and only showed one side of the story....
I loved that video what I watched it long time ago. It would be probably useful to watch it again when I have had some experience with rescued parrots.
I have issues with that documentary. I feel that that the sole purpose of that show was to demonize bird ownership. Parrots flying free in the wild is a wonderful thing, but it isn't always. Poaching and deforestation are the real problem, not keeping birds in a cage. If it wasn't for captive breeding, most parrot species would be extinct, which I feel is worse than having a parrot live in a rescue. Our pet birds live longer than wild ones, due to proper diets and access to veterinary care. Members like us on this forum strive to give our birds the best life for them because they bring us happiness. There should be a documentary about all the caring owners and the positive aspects of bird ownership but that will never happen. That's just my two cents, maybe more...anyone else agree?
I'm pretty sure if you do a search this show has been discussed if you want more thoughts on it.
I have watched this documentary several times now. I took it to be a "warning" to would-be owners about what they're getting into and just how wrong it can go (and just how far a parrot can push a person who is not 100% dedicated). Kind of like when they teach teens about how hard it is to take care of a baby with 'shock' tactics. They use "extreme" examples in the documentary to make someone think twice before marching down to the bird store and buying a big mac to match their new furniture. Remember, the target audience was mostly the general public, not dedicated parrot owners. It may well have stopped a few less-than-dedicated individuals from actually bringing a bird home they later neglect or abuse in some way!
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