need help with his toys!!


New member
Nov 12, 2013
my darling lovebird
i wanted to kinda know about what toys birds mostly like. i have my budgie bamboo and im not very sure what toys he would like. ive seen all the awsome toys you guys make, so help me out!! well i see he likes shredding stuff, and bells. i dont know what shredding toys i can make him :confused: sometimes i twist up tissue papers, and hang them around, but hes not that excited about them. he'll just chew on them the first day, and soon he gets bored. i had this keychain with lots of tiny bells on them, and i hung it in his cage. he does like it, and sometimes when i play him a song he rings his bells and chirps:) but otherwise he only goes near it if its shaking and swinging. gosh, hes a fussy boy!:greenyellow:


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
It can take time to find the perfect toy for your fid, foraging toys can be a great way to get parrots interested in toys, start hiding pieces of millet in his toys ;)


New member
Nov 2, 2013
Southwestern Pennsylvania
Pacific Parrotlets - green Beanieboy and blue Skya;
Fischer Lovebirds - Mariposa and Papillon
I don't think I'm clever enough to design my own toys, nor particularly movitated, but my birds do like when I hide nutri-berries, avi-cakes and millet sprays in boxes and wrapped in clean paper, plus they like to rip the paper. When it comes to bought toys without a doubt the favorite toys are the Wesco Kabob (the mini would be great for a parakeet) and the Vita Verde candy cone.

Wesco Kabob
Bird Toys: Bird Kabob all natural yucca bird toys at Drs. Foster and Smith

Vita Verde Candy Cone
Bird Treats for Hookbills: Vitakraft Vita Verde Candy Pine Cones


New member
Nov 15, 2013
South Africa
Percy, a 5yo BFA & Jack, a 8yo Budgie
Jack, my budgie prefers bought toys (must have bells and mirrors otherwise he won't go near it) and millet hung in his cage, so I don't make things for him except the occassional paper towel woven through his bars. Jackie is also not much of a shredder and will starve rather than forage LOL! I can therefor not really help with budgie appropriate suggestions.

However, I make all Percy's (amazon) toys myself because (a) bought toys are too expensive and (b) he has yet to touch any toy I've bought. I also find locally bought toys only cater for small birds and large macaw type birds, nothing for a midsize birdie like my Percy.

The point I'm trying to get to is this - look at toy shops online for ideas. All my tou ideas I've gotten online. I print out pics of things I think Percy will like and then make them myself. Google things like "Shredding toys for budgies" - you will find loads of cool ideas and one can make most things at minimal cost.

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