Need help with some questions about Ruthie?


New member
Apr 4, 2014
Maybe some of you can help me out here with some questions that I have regarding Ruthie?
1. She is in the sunroom which is heated as the house, but is a tad cooler (maybe 8 degrees max) then in the house. My other birds were always just fine in there and the Senegal never ever shivers. But Ruthie seems to shiver quite a there and out of there, actually wherever she is?
2. She hates her cage and so far I have let her stay out except at night. Then I put her in and she panics at first bobbin up and down and running her beak up and down and flapping wings to get out. She calms down after about 15 minutes and the lights are off. Should I keep insisting on this? or is this stressing her too much?
3. Would the ultra sonic sound of a anti barking device bother birds? I have one outside.
4. Also, she seems a bit lethargic to me. Maybe I'm use to the smaller ones that are more on the go. But to me she does a lot of just sitting and sleeping. She just had blood work though and they said it all looked good. Probably just a new paranoid new Mom!
thanks in advance for all the info!!
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New member
Jul 20, 2012
How many degrees is it in your sunroom? I doubt she is cold, she may just still be a bit nervous.

She may not like being put in the cage for the night, but unless you can absolutely bird proof a room, where she can't get into anything potentially harmful, I would strongly suggest you put her in the cage when she's unsupervised, including at night. Have you tried covering the cage, so see if that will help her calm down quicker?

Since she had a full check-up, and the vet didn't find anything, I believe Ruthie is still adjusting to her new home. :) It can take a while for them to feel completely at ease.

I know that there's a device that makes ultrasonic sounds that is supposed to aid in deterring birds, but according to some articles, that product is bogus as birds may not be able to hear those sounds at all.

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