New Hahn's Macaw


New member
Aug 16, 2012
portland, or
Odin - CAG
Salty- Hahn's Macaw
Greenie - Eclectus
Lexi- Eclectus
Saw the thread on here about him needing to be rehomed, and we drove about 8 hours round trip to get him today

So... This is Salty, he's about 5 yrs old

in the car on the way home, he sat in the front seat most of the way with my husband, clicking and whistling and eating the whole way

thinking about coming out


he has a very sharp beak and when I first met him, he got me lol So we'll take it slow and let him get used to us.
Ouch... Gorgeous bird though. Good luck with the settling in and becoming part of the family. I'm sure he'll be right in no time. :)
He's so cute! He looks a lot like Darcy, who is also a mini macaw. Darcy's beak isn't that sharp though. Thank goodness. lol.
Congratulations on your new addition. :) I see Salty introduced himself to you in an "ouchy" manner.

He is one very pretty boy, and SO lucky you drove all this way (and back) to give him a great home. :D

Please keep us posted on how he settles into his new home. :)
Aw he's lovely! The fact you were willing to drive as far as you did for him shows you'll make very good parronts ;)
You'll be trialed and tested many more times I assure you ;) Little Bandit was not shy to show us her beak's capabilities either - and still does sometimes but she's getting better.
All the best of luck to you!!
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Aw he's lovely! The fact you were willing to drive as far as you did for him shows you'll make very good parronts ;)
You'll be trialed and tested many more times I assure you ;) Little Bandit was not shy to show us her beak's capabilities either - and still does sometimes but she's getweting better.
All the best of luck to you!!

We're driving back next week to get his cage, we were hoping it would fit in the car but it didn't, so we have him set up in a temporary cage till we get his here.

Bonding will have to wait a few hours, spend the night in the ER with my 20 month old daughter so fed Salty and Odin breakfast and going to get some sleep now
Yep the Severe Macaw I just got had a beak sharp as scalpel first thing second day got her a BNW (Beak,nail,and wing) Trim and a new cage she has pinched me a few times since but no more breaking of the skin.
Aw he's lovely! The fact you were willing to drive as far as you did for him shows you'll make very good parronts ;)
You'll be trialed and tested many more times I assure you ;) Little Bandit was not shy to show us her beak's capabilities either - and still does sometimes but she's getweting better.
All the best of luck to you!!

We're driving back next week to get his cage, we were hoping it would fit in the car but it didn't, so we have him set up in a temporary cage till we get his here.

Bonding will have to wait a few hours, spend the night in the ER with my 20 month old daughter so fed Salty and Odin breakfast and going to get some sleep now

What happened to her ? Is she okay ?
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Aw he's lovely! The fact you were willing to drive as far as you did for him shows you'll make very good parronts ;)
You'll be trialed and tested many more times I assure you ;) Little Bandit was not shy to show us her beak's capabilities either - and still does sometimes but she's getweting better.
All the best of luck to you!!

We're driving back next week to get his cage, we were hoping it would fit in the car but it didn't, so we have him set up in a temporary cage till we get his here.

Bonding will have to wait a few hours, spend the night in the ER with my 20 month old daughter so fed Salty and Odin breakfast and going to get some sleep now

What happened to her ? Is she okay ?

She had a cold, so couldn't breathe very well, took her in she had a nebulizer treatment, chest xrays, had a temp of 101.3.... she has Brochiolitis. They gave us an inhaler to use but she's doing a lot better.

Salty just hung out on and in his cage today, took treats nicely and had him step up on a perch and walked around with him a bit.
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Salty hung out in the kitchen last night while I made chop... Odin went back and forth from my shoulder to his cage


here's the deadly beak lol
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Tonight I tried to give Salty a treat and he climbed on my hand instead..... and I don't have any extra holes in me lol

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