New lovebird, need help!!


New member
Feb 26, 2018
Hello there, this is my first post on this site and forgive me for my bad english and if this discussion was made before.

I used to have 2 cute lovebirds, male and a female, and they were bonded together nicely for about a year and they even made babies!. Although one day the male sadly died due to him hitting his head hard in the wall. Anyways, i was so sad and so was the female so i brought a new male to introduce him to her. The new male has been around for about 2 days now and i have seen him and the female grooming each other which is a good sign of a bond.

This male tho is very lazy, he stays sleeping most of the time but he eats drinks and even excersices outside the cage. The problem is that the female is very active while he is so lazy. Also when the they start grooming, the female is the one that starts the process, then he just grooms her for a bit and thats it. Im considering replacing this male with a new more active one. Should i do that now or should i give him time to get used to the new surroudning? thank u for any suggestions
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I’m not 100% certain, i know I should’ve done quarantine but I couldn’t resist seeing the female lonely.
Yes, quarantine is mandatory, especially if you're not sure about the health of the new one.

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Can u tell me what to do tho? Should I separate them ? Should I bring a more active bird or keep them?
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I can separate them and check their healths status if that how it’s gonna work, but they already made an interaction, in this case grooming.
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Hmm, so what shall I do with his laziness? He likes to sleep a lot. Is it cause his new or is it his nature?
If it was mine I'd get a vet to check him. How are his poops?

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HIs poops are just like my other birds, nothing wrong with it. I read bout signs of sickness and he has none of that showing, he is just always sleeping on his perch.
constant sleeping IS a sign of sickness. Get them down to a CAV and do a check up, would you rather pay that little bit of money or lose all your lovebirds?
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Thank for the suggestions, Ima contact the seller today and talk with him. If he can replace this male with another one, that would be awesome. Cause In both cases I don’t need a sick male or an inactive one so I’ll just replace him.. this time I’ll do quarantine for the new male��
Hey there, welcome to the forum!

Is there an update on your birds? What part of the world are you in? In many places it is not easy to find a vet who sees birds, we may be able to help you find one if you decide to take them in.

I'm afraid at this point your female has been exposed to anything the lazy male may have had. If I were you I would quarantine HER from the new new male as much for his safety as for hers. Birds are very delicate creatures and the slightest little thing can get serious very very quickly. Not meaning to be a pile on, just want to emphasize how delicate they are.

Birds also can be lazy from stress or from age- do you know if the new male is a baby or an adult?

Good luck with your birds! :)

From phone
Thank for the suggestions, Ima contact the seller today and talk with him. If he can replace this male with another one, that would be awesome. Cause In both cases I don’t need a sick male or an inactive one so I’ll just replace him.. this time I’ll do quarantine for the new male��

that right there is a very worrying statement you just said

That rather than go to a vet to see if they are ill you just throw the bird back at the breeder because it's not... what?... entertaining enough?

You will NEED to go to a vet because if there was an illness then your female will almost certainly have it now. This is why quarantine periods are mandatory for new birds

remember these are living creatures who you have taken care of. IF you adopted a child and they were sick or not what you expected would you throw them back at the orphanage saying "I want a different one"?
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WELL her is an update of whatsup now..
The male bird out of nowhere started to be super active, now he sings all day, he tried to open the cage door to get out and explore and he seems very happy. I’m really glad he is fine..
I think he just needed to get used to the surrounding
Oh excellent news! And you learned a lesson about quarentine without having it be a painful one. I'm very glad for you, but do please in the future quarintine any new additions just to be safe and not risk losing all your birds. :)

EDIT: Yeah, I can't spell that word. Not going to try and fix it, lol
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LOL any help that was given I appreciate it.. I’m happy he wasn’t sick.
I’m just hopping now my female will bond with him
Keep in mind that bonded pairs of parrots, esp lovebirds, will tend to exclude you from the bond. You become the third wheel so to speak.

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