New Moustached Owner!


New member
Aug 26, 2012
Seattle, WA
Moustached Parakeet
I figured I should introduce myself! I am Jamie. I have two birds. A 16 week old Budgie named Ozzy. And my 12 year old Moustached Parakeet named Courtney that I have had about a month and is currently in quarantine at another house. I am very familiar with Budgies, but not at all with Moustached, so I figured there is no better place to start learning!


New member
Aug 17, 2011
Oakwood, Ohio
i am the mom of three parrots:
Dorothy- African grey (cag)
Bowie- blue and gold macaw
Nellie- hyacinth macaw
Reggie- hyacinth macaw
Marnie- white bellied caique
Welcome! I don't know anything about the moustached parakeet, just saw my first one several weeks ago. They are adorable, I look forward to learning more about them!


Jun 10, 2012
Newton aycliffe Co.Durham
Jinx - Blue Fronted Amazon hatched 12.06.2012
Welcome to the forums Jamie I love the moustached parakeet they are beautiful birds but just like Brian my knowledge is very small about these beautiful birds but I'm sure someone will be able to help you with any questions you have about Courtney.


New member
Apr 21, 2011
Icarus the Moustached Parakeet, Smudge, Pudge (RIP), and Floki the Budgies
Hi Jamie!
I also have a moustached parakeet! His name is Icarus. He's also a rescue, but because he was literally found in a tree, I know almost nothing about him.
Is that Courtney in your avatar? I know in some subspecies both males and females have red/orange beaks, but I think in most, the females have black beaks... might be something to consider if you don't know for certain that she's female or belongs to one of those subspecies. I can provide you a link to help you determine if you're not sure.

Icarus is the only moustached I've ever met, so I don't know if he's very representative of the species or not. He's generally pretty social and friendly, but he does get moody from time to time. While he enjoys being with the "flock," he usually prefers to be nearby rather than perched on someone.
He's a pretty good eater- I got him on pellets with no problem. He's usually reluctant to try new food unless he sees me eating it first, though. If he sees me eating, he almost always wants to have some too.
He hasn't learned any new phrases in the 1.5 years I've had him, but the phrases he does use are very clear. He's quiet as far as parrots go, as he usually vocalizes using his phrases, and when he does scream, it's not for more than a few seconds or more than a couple times a day.
I wouldn't say he's super playful. He's a pretty calm bird. Definitely a big chewer. I've tried a lot of different toys with him but nothing really seems to tickle his fancy. He HATES swings.
I also own 2 budgies and I do let them interact a little under supervision. Sometimes he acts aggressively, sometimes he ignores them, and sometimes he wants to feed them. He gets exceptionally jealous when I play with them. However, he has no problem with me interacting with other people, which I count as a blessing!

I think those are the major points about Icarus... I hope it was useful in some way! Feel free to ask me anything specific.


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