New Owner


New member
Mar 1, 2020
Hi all, I found this little guy after he had flown into our window and was a bit stunned but he came too ok and super friendly. I have not been able to find the owner so would like to keep him. I am new at this and not sure how to tell if he is young, sick etc etc. He is missing feathers as per attached pic near his wing and also under his wings. A work colleague suggested he was young and did not have all his feathers as yet but I am not sure. Would be super happy if someone can give me some advise, I'd hate him to be ill


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The skin doesn't look red. Do that's good. Is she like that on both sides in the same spot? If not she could have list the feathers in a mishap.

Hopefully a happy healthy life with lots of veggies and toys and attention, the need to pluck to self soothe will disappear. But she might get worse, or stay the same. I have a plucker, she stops and then starts back. Once they start plucking it can be difficult to get the to stop. But they are still wonderful freinds.
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Thank you so much for your response, I will research a bit more and see what I can do, I think he had a bit of trauma but he is settling in much better now

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