Newbie with soon to be White Capped Pionus. Cage and cage location??


Jul 30, 2014
Fonzie - White Capped Pionus (male) - Hatched 5/24/14
Betty - Brown Headed Parrot (female) - Hatched 12/15/22
Hi there. My name is Lynsey and this is my first post. I only had a budgie when I was a teen. This will be my first bird as an adult. I have 3 small dogs, a hermann's tortoise, and many tropical fish and pond, so I am not new to caring for pets. Today I purchased a baby White Capped Pionus. He/she (soon to be DNA tested) is still being hand fed 3 times a day and will not be ready to come home for another month to month and a half.

I want to make sure I do the right thing with the cage selection. Does anyone have a good cage suggestion, or even what brands are the best? Also size suggestions?

I am a nurse and work three 12hr shifts a week. But have 4 days off a week of free time. I will be able to have morning play and afterwork play on the days I work though. I have a spare room that is upstairs and quiet and don't have a size restriction in that room.

My main question is....Do I have to have the cage in the part of the house where I am going to be the most? I was thinking if I had a play area in the main part of the house, when I was home it could hangout there, and then go up to its cage to sleep or when I am at work. Is that ok, or should the cage just be downstairs in the main area. If so, then I have a bit more size constraint.

Also, will my 3 dogs bother it during the day if they are playing and barking? Should it be in a more quiet area?

Would it travel upstairs and back downstairs from its cage to play area? Or should the area be together?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I have done a lot of research before choosing this species and the decision to get a bird. I also grow lots of food for my tortoise. I see that the pionus and my tortoise can eat some of the same foods :) Love growing my own food for my pets.
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Got a cage and decided to put it in my main room where I will be most of the time.
What kind of cage did you decide on? I saw the pictures of your baby, and what a gorgeous sweetie:)
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Got an amazing deal on a brand new stainless steel Featherland cage on Craigslist. I posted it in the cage section.
Welcome Lynsey!!! Even though Pi's can tend to be perch potatoes, I still say bigger is better. Not overly big, but enough for their toys and perches. Can't wait to see pictures :)

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