Not getting along


New member
Jan 30, 2013
Goffins Cockatoo
My Goffins Cockatoo, Drake, is jealous of my live-in boyfriend, Dave. The new aggressive behavior ie. divebombing, nipping is causing unrest in our house. I have had Drake since he was one. He is now 13/14. During those years I lived alone.
When Dave is in the house Drake stays in his cage. Dave is not mean to Drake and has made an effort to be friends. Dave doesn't agree that birds belong in a cages and feels bad for the bird.
This feels like an ultimatum. Have other birdowners experienced this issue? I need honest and serious advise.
Nalani hates my mother, and is very picky on who she likes. My friend's U2s HATES men in general and will fly across the room to attack guy friends that come over. Unfortunately birds pick and choose who they like and who they don't.

If your bird is jealous, then give attention to him first and last, before your boyfriend. This will make him believe that his affection isn't compromised because of your boyfriend.

Good luck!!
I agree with moni.k and try to spend time with both at the same time. My Blue Crown Conure HATES my mother and will attack her and scream at her when she is near me I cannot correct this though because my mom also hates him so wont go around him if she spent time with him I believe the two might get along eventually.
I recall watching this when doing research on parrots, and it might give you some idea where to start, or at least where to start finding information to help:

[ame=""]Building Trust With Your Bird - YouTube[/ame]
Moni is right, Drake is jealous & it may be hormone driven. He's acting like a lot of children do when mom and/or dad starts dating again. Because parrots are sentient beings with active emotions more active than most animals, this activity is always possible, but is usually never considered before bringing a bird into our lives.

This same problem often crops up when new babies join a family. Before baby, feathered friend is center of comes along & all of a sudden feathered friend now spends most of his time by himself in his cage. Screaming & tantrums begin, biting begins & feathered friend is looking for a new home....

There is no quick solution to your problem, but I believe you may have to address it with Drake first, because Dave is capable of understanding the problem, while I'm not sure Drake is unless you can make him think Dave is not getting more Moni said Drake gets first & last may need to reserve showing of affection to times out of Drake's view.....

Good luck.....
When a bird doesn't get along with someone, I usually find having the person they don't like do trick training with the does amazing wonders. Trick training is fun so the parrot for parrots so make someone they don't like do fun stuff.

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