Not Getting enough sleep?


New member
Jul 11, 2013
Kalamazoo, MI
Female SI eclectus parrot
Male/female budgies
Komorner tumbler pigeon
I have ANOTHER question lol

So LuLu along with all my other birds sleep in my room where their cages are. I've noticed that LuLu had been sleeping a lot in the morning or will take short little naps whenever it's quiet. But right around 3-4 I'm the afternoon she is fine and climbing around her cage. When I adopted lulu I was told that she had seen a vet and that she was healthy. Yesterday I called the same vet and told him what she was doing and he told me that she may not be getting enough sleep at night. I tend to toss around in my sleep and the vet told me that that may be keeping LuLu up at night. I was wondering if I should remove the bird cages from my room? Or does my tossing have anything to do with her napping early in the day?


New member
Sep 2, 2012
Pasadena, CA
~SI female eclectus: Nalani~
~pineapple.turquoise GCC: Layla~
All birds take naps throughout the day. Usually during mid day they tend to take naps a bit more while morning and evenings they have more "energy". I wouldn't be worried about your bird taking naps, it's perfectly normal. The signs I would look for is lethargy, lack of appetite and unusual fecal samples. Those are more tell tale signs of illness.

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