Not Looking Good....


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Gandalf - CAG (1997-2010) R.I.P. my baby boy.
Bitty - CAG (2 yrs old? and working on spoiling her rotten)
Well, as she has stopped returning my calls, I can only surmise that the woman in Louisville who told me it was a done deal either a) found someone else who didn't ask her to drive a whopping 20 minutes to the world class avian vet (I even offered to pay for it), or b) never had the bird at all.

So I am very disappointed right now. I've really been missing Gandalf lately.

I mailed an adoption application to the local shelter a couple weeks ago as well, but they haven't seen fit to respond to me either, so no joy there.

I'm getting to where I don't even want to get my hopes up anymore.

I guess I will just continue to enjoy your fids vicariously until providence smiles on me again. Keep up the awesome pics for me. There's always Spring.
Please don't get down on yourself about it we all know good things come to those who wait and the perfect bird for you will be just around the corner

I'm posting pics of my baby 2moro so hope they cheer you up a little
good luck in your searchs and I gautentee you'll be a parront before you know it
I'm a firm believer in that if something's meant to be it WILL be. I wasn't always like that, guess it just came with experience. Maybe you haven't found the right bird yet because the right bird's waiting to find you. TRUST me on that, when it happens there's nothing more amazing and you know 110% that it was SUPPOSED to happen that way. Never give up hope, and you'll find your fid when it's right!!! I'll keep good thoughts for you and hope the time comes sooner rather than later!!! Besides, just think, when you do find your fid it'll just be that much more special since you had to wait so long!!! = D
So sorry. Where are you located?
That special bird is waiting for you, when the time is right.
Everything happens for a reason, we don't always understand why
Hoping this cheers you up

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I honestly think that there is one particular bird that is supposed to be yours, so if you were to get one that wasn't supposed to be yours, that perfect fit couldn't happen. He/She is out there, when the time is perfect, you'll have him/her. Hang in there, I know it's hard to be patient, especially missing Gandalf so much right now. We know no bird will ever be able to replace Gandalf, so knowing that, just know that your next baby can't be replaced either, so hopefully you'll realize that the perfect baby is coming, it just seems to be having to jump some hurdles to get to you!!!!

Thinking about you, hoping you find your baby soon!
You'll get your match one day ;)

I know how you feel as I was let down several times before being successful with Cal.

Keep a ploddin'

<3 Von and Cal xx
I am so sorry.. it is so hard when you think things are going so smooth and then wham....

Just keep your faith and everything will work out for you.
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I'm in Evansville, IN (the "toe of the boot").

Thanks for the replies, everybody.

You know, it's kind of suspicious, because a new craigslist ad, written in a different style, but with exactly the same things in it appeared in the Lousiville section a couple of days ago, except the rehoming fee is now "negotiable".

It's almost like she decided she wasn't charging me enough, and decided to ask for more. Either that, or a typical buyer/seller bought the bird and put it right back on craigslist, hoping to turn a profit.
That is totally disgusting. If I were you I would go with a breeder because of the many scams to get your money elsewhere. It is a sad day when a grey cannot get a new home when needed due to the greed of some people.
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I agree, SB. Of course, I don't know for sure that is what happened, but my suspicious mind is running in high gear at the moment.

I agree about the breeder. I know for sure there is a breeder in Vincennes (45 minutes away) who expects to have some baby CAG's in April. She seems very reputable, and I exchanged a few emails with her last month.


Taking a couple hours off work a few days a week, just so I could make the drive to go hand feed a baby would be fine with me. Maybe I will just set my sights on making that happen. I will continue to enjoy pics and videos of your birds though. Antoinette, Mishka is absolutely adorable! (I'm so jealous.)

Maybe you're right about this happening for a reason. My stepdad had a stroke last year, and my mother asked me if I would come down to Florida with them for a few days in March so I can help him do things like fishing (she wouldn't have the first clue ;)). My younger brother might even come visit from Arizona at the same time too. I would have to say no if I had a baby bird on my hands, so maybe it is for the best.
The breeder's web page looks very nice. This way you can visit and the bird can choose you. Sounds like a good plan. Good things almost always take time. I know it is such a joy to see Mishka and her ability to talk. She is a fantastic grey. I just posted 2 videos of Rosie. She is a little slower in talking but coming along.


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I'm so sorry about how difficult this has been for you. But as the others have mentioned, this is all meant to be and the bird of your dreams will find you.

I hate to be pessimistic, but I'm afraid your suspicious mind may be right about the scam. Not only does it sound like a scam, but I just see so many of them out there. Absolutely ridiculous.

Wishing you all the best on your search!

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