nut is going to get fitted for that bacon jacket soon!!!


New member
Jan 13, 2011
well just when i thought things where going well! she flies onto me an bites my ear, clamping down and drawing blood:11::(

in a word OWW, and some rather colourful ones as well, my ear has since stopped bleeding, the bacon has been put back into the fridge:09:

AND to top it off she is currently sat on my lap grinding her beak!! doing all her cute :10: love eyes at me!

grr bird!! need to vent somewhere lol as all my friends already think i'm mad:30:
maybe she was trying to bite the imaginary bug on your ear. lol sorry I know that hurts. :( silly birdies.
Oh god Sue, I know how you feel. Merlin has just recently took a nice big chunk out of my index finger. I went to stroke his cheek area and he just clamped down, hard. My poor index is all wrapped up in tissue and plasters. The bites hurt so much. Had to endure another bite too so I could get him in his cage. >: (

I hope your ear is okay, at least she's being nice now? Hah. I too often joke about putting Merlin in the oven, but there's not enough meat on him to make it worthwhile ;)
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maybe she was trying to bite the imaginary bug on your ear. lol sorry I know that hurts. :( silly birdies.

could be lol just glad she didn't go for a matching set!

Re: nut is going to get fitted for that bacon jacket soon!!!
Oh god Sue, I know how you feel. Merlin has just recently took a nice big chunk out of my index finger. I went to stroke his cheek area and he just clamped down, hard. My poor index is all wrapped up in tissue and plasters. The bites hurt so much. Had to endure another bite too so I could get him in his cage. >: (

I hope your ear is okay, at least she's being nice now? Hah. I too often joke about putting Merlin in the oven, but there's not enough meat on him to make it worthwhile ;)

think its in the air, but most probably i have switched to fav person status, as she has not gone near phil, today. but will have a word with the child! as his been teasing her lately, so i am hoping its tension from that
Not again!!! That little sorry he bit you again...
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Not again!!! That little sorry he bit you again...

lol thanks, it always seems so :(:eek: at the time, but we soon get over it, though the chef at work has suggested a bird in a bird roast for her:11:
Not again!!! That little sorry he bit you again...

lol thanks, it always seems so :(:eek: at the time, but we soon get over it, though the chef at work has suggested a bird in a bird roast for her:11:

It's horrible right when it happens but after a while it just dulls down and it just becomes another mark of the parrot :p

Glad you're okay anyway. I'm happy it was you and not your kids etc :p
You know that turkey joke? About the turkey in the freezer, that joke cracks me
Haha yeah, "what did the turkey do?"

I think that'd be Merlin's reaction too :p
OMG, I can't believe you're to to roast Nut! Send her to me, she & Merlin are soul twins. Merlin picks hubby to flight attack, its been bad this week. Hormones are raging here.

Sometimes they are warning us away from something they see that we don't. Sometimes they are just being an a**. lol
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think its a combination of the day, son teasing, me cleaning her cage out in front of her!! and nut wanting another preen as she is currently full of pins, but the problem is i had to cut my nails, as i kept breaking them at work, so i haven't been a very good preener!! and kept knocking pin feathers, and there may well have been a bug in my ear!!!

either way hoping for a calmer day¬! lool
Oh :11: hope you ear is okay. I think we should add two more names to nut and use them accordingly - Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde :52:
I mean Misses Dr. Nut Jekyll and Misses Nut Hyde. ;)
Oh no ! Thats horrible Suebee ! Ow wow , I know it hurts , but maybe
just maybe , Nut had seen a huge terra dactyl:11: :eek:flying towards your ear and the only things she could do was try to tackle it , but it was
too fast and got away , and since nut was flying so so fast , the only thing she
could do to break her speed , was to grab your ear , because she wanted to make sure you were OK. :rolleyes::54::p
You never know what they see or what makes them do the things they do .
Hope your ear heals quickly :).
And I'm sure Nut had a legitimate reason for doing it :/

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