Oh what fun :)


New member
May 16, 2011
North Carolina
My lovely little Black Cap Conure, Lucy (in the sky with diamonds) <3
Hello all! I'm back! With a few updates! and questions :)

Apartment Update:
After getting all moved in and Lucy settled, the internet goes out... -sigh- that will be getting fixed on Saturday haha

Job Update:
Everyone LOVES Lucy! <3 she follows me around between my office and big boss man's office just toddling and chirping along happily :)

Lucy Update!
She's fantastic! haha she's got lots of pin feathers coming in (i'm assuming she doesn't have all of her feathers in yet since she's young, so is that normal?) so she's rather nippy. She's learned her first trick (kisses!) and makes kissing noises :) It's so cute! She also took her first bath on her own yesterday, that's quite a funny video haha her current bathtub is a frisbee. (is a frisbee deep enough for her?) I'll share video and pictures when I get more bored at work and have time to upload them!
Edit// She's also quite fond of hard boiled eggs and chicken!! haha kind of a bit of cannibalism... but she likes it! she also happily eats leafy kale :O shreds up green beans and is fond of orange bell peppers, she seems to be afraid of the color orange though... she runs from it!... but will decimate the peppers....
So how are everyone's fids doing? :D
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Glad things are going so well....It must be fun to take her to work.....
Yep,she will be nippy when getting her feathers in....
Can't wait to see pics and/or videos
How adorable!

So you take Lucy to work with you? What's that like?

PS: Birds are decedents of dinosaurs, so it's no coincidence that your baby tiel aspires to be a raptor, lol.
lmao thanks for up date an lol if she likes the frisbee then why not lol
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lol it's not my tiel but i love playing with all the baby birds <3 Lucy is fun, it's a challenge to keep her occupied as she has recently discovered that mouse pads are tasty and my boss LOVES her and so does the secretary and big boss man, EVERYONE! I ordered her a play perch for work, usually she just sits on the back of my chair and plays with her toys or eats my hair lol
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Lucy also spent 3/4 of the night last night talking in her sleep. it was so cute... hahahaha I think she woke herself up by chirping too loud lol
My mom wouldnt take me to Pet Paradise :( But I did go to bird paradise which was awesome!!! there was a salmon crested too that was sooo cuddly heres a pic
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mmm... steak.. haha I get to introduce Lu to my family soon. I told my mom about her yesterday and she wasnt upset with me at all (we had an agreement of no more pets while in my apartment.... but I just couldn't resist Lucy... and my mom is terrified of birds :p )
mmm... steak.. haha I get to introduce Lu to my family soon. I told my mom about her yesterday and she wasnt upset with me at all (we had an agreement of no more pets while in my apartment.... but I just couldn't resist Lucy... and my mom is terrified of birds :p )
Haha I dont get how you could be scared of the little babies.... my cousin is... when we went to bird paradise all she would hold were the canary wing bee bees lol.
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awwe! haha

My mom watched "the Birds" when she was really little (like when it first came out lol) and several run in's with birds makes her scared of them (her falling asleep on the beach and being dive-bombed by gulls at the beach courtesy of my sister throwing her sandwich bits around her while tanning... and my dad's crow billy not liking women and constantly trying to attack her feet many many years ago... LOL)
LOL!!! The 'too was trying to bite off my bracelet (which all the birds seemed to love... it was broken by the time i left LOL) and when he was he accidentally bit my skin and it hurt soo bad!! it left a big bruise D;
i had soo much fun! i held a jenday, an amazon, a too and lots of bee bees. There was also these 2 b & g's that were hilarious!! they were hanging from the top of the cage and wrestling.... if your ever in or around new jersey i'd definitely recommend you go there!
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I will have to go for sure. my boyfriend looked up the sight and freaked out... he now wants a freakin toucan. Jendays are so pretty. They just got an itty bitty baby harlequin macaw at Pet Paradise ^^ and they had 3 nandays last time i went, they were so much fun to play with, so very pretty ^^
Haha nandays are beautiful they had one at petco.... they had a toco toucan when we went..... he was amazing!!!
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lol toucans eat their weight in fruit everyday :O
You'd be surprised how many people are nervous or dislike being around birds (crazy, I know)! My step-sister couldn't stand Alex being near her when I was back home!
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I hope to break my mom of that fear after I get Lucy flight suit trained and out of her nippy stage. Mom needs baby-steps too haha

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