Oh wow! It's been a while.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Hudson Valley, New York
Bartleby-Pearl Cockatiel
S'mores-Albino Parakeet
I see so many new faces here and old ones gone. For those that don't know me or forgot me, my name's Diego. I used to be highly active on here and well involved. Times have gotten busier for me and I haven't been able to get on for months. I'm trying to find some old faces here but none so far. But I enjoy making new friends :)

Anyway, again, I'm Diego. I'm an 18 year old, New Yorker and a dedicated animal owner. I'm going to be graduating from high school in a few days and I'll be attending University of Miami in the fall. I plan on studying Marine Biology and my dream job is to be a marine vet for large animals (such as sharks, sea turtles, whales, and dolphins). I have an undying love and passion for animals of all sizes, shapes, and colors.

As for my fids, I own a cockatiel named Bartleby. My parakeet S'mores passed away back in March. She was really sick with a respiratory infection and she couldn't take it anymore, passing away in my hands. It was just a really traumatic time for me because she was my first pet, my best friend, and we did everything together. I'm still trying to accept the fact that she's gone. All I know is that she's in a better place and that couldn't make me any happier. I know I'll see her again one day.

Bartleby is a female with a pearl mutation. She is so lovable and sweet. She loves to be out of her cage and just watch the scene. She's not very active though and she just likes to sit and watch the action around her. She's also not a very cuddly bird, but she does have her moments. That's just the way she is and I love her for it.

I also have recently taken in a corn snake who is paralyzed in a portion of her lower body due to previous owner neglect. A mouse attacked her, chewing on her spinal cord in her lower tail, severing it and now she has no feeling or movement there. I took her in, caring for her and hoping she'll make it. She is an old snake though, being 28 years old. But she is very healthy and seems to be doing really well.

Anyway, I think that's enough of a rant for now. If I have any old friends here, hey guys! And to any new faces, it's great to meet you! :white1:


New member
Jul 21, 2011
Ricco - Goffin's Cockatoo
Nice to meet you! I'm pretty new here. :)

It's awesome that you're going to school to become a vet... I am too! :D I also want to work with large animals, I aspire to become a Zoological Veterinarian and work with Lions, Zebras, etc. I am also open to becoming a marine vet as well, as I LOVE water. Maybe our paths will cross LOL

Sorry to hear about your Parakeet. :(

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