Our Franklin


New member
May 30, 2011
4 Cockatiels 2 males Chicken Little & Charlie, 2 Females Chiquita and Sweet pea. Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure -Franklin and our now tame, rescued feral Pigeon - Belle.
Hey all,

It's been a while since I've had a chance to come in and "brag" about our Franklin. I got promoted at work, I'm now the transportation supervisor. Yeaaa! Had a bit of a schedule adjustment with our birds, but they've all adjusted well.

Franklin...awwww...he's such a charm!!! Franklin is now 6 months old and a never ending ball of energy! So entirely different from our tiels and rescue pigeon, our tiels are content to sit on our shoulders, preen and sleep.

Franklin, uh...NO! He suffers from ADHD I swear! LOLOL! Always on the move and so incredibly acrobatic! He is, without a doubt, the most busy bird I've ever met in my life.

Aside from his acrobatics and endless energy, he's saying a few words, pretty bird, hello, chicken little (one of our tiels name), whatcha doin?

He has a voracious appetite and eats or tries anything I put in front of him, and still he's sooo tiny! I think he's just gonna be a tiny conure. It's all good though, he can easily bathe in his water dish, which he does several times a week. :D

Anyway, just wanted to pop in, share another picture of him and say Helloooooo!

Have a great week,

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OMG my mom is calling Parrot Safari today and we'll hopefully get the bird next weekend :]
Franklin sounds like such a gem x]
awww love them when they are a ball of energy (well most of the times lol) and well done on promotion
Hooray promotion! Hooray crazy hyper bird!! (most of the time) Birds are like children. Some days you wish they'd just sit still and be quiet and of course that never happens! I have 2 crazy conures and a very hyper very active little budgie that makes my head hurt some days. I can't believe how colorful and beautiful your little Franklin is.
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Awww....Thank you Suebee. I love my new position more then I thought I would. And as for our Franklin...I tell ya, there are days when I say to him...can't you just sit still??? Just a few minutes???

He's like...nope, gotta go...and he's all over the place, he tunnels under our blankets, grabs his ball, carries it all over the place, climbs all over us and sticks to us like glue, he's all over our dinner, rolls over onto his back and flings his ball across the bed, then jumps up and runs over to get it, brings it back, climbs up onto my shoulder with his ball, drops it, climbs down, runs over, grabs his ball, flips on his back, throws his ball, gets up, runs under the blankets...peeks out for a moment or two...(this is usually when he's still) then dodges back under the blanket, makes a new tunnel, peeks out to see where he is, spots his ball, runs over to it, picks it up, runs back to me or us, grabs my finger, expects to be lifted up so he can show off how he hangs with one foot, drops his ball, wants me to lower him to grab it with his beak, the raise him up again....and well...if I could bottle up his energy and have it for breakfast every morning...I actually might get everything done I need to do in a day! :D

Course...Franklin is a HUGE distraction in my daily routine :D

Anyway, I guess conures aren't for everyone...I can totally understand it, Franklin can wear me out. :D

Have a good one!

Awe-very cute. I see by your picture your Franklin likes to hang by one claw-my guy likes to do that off the bottom of his cage door when its open :D They are cute, entertaining characters for sure
...can't you just sit still??? Just a few minutes???

He's like...nope, gotta go...and he's all over the place, he tunnels under our blankets, grabs his ball, carries it all over the place, climbs all over us and sticks to us like glue, he's all over our dinner, rolls over onto his back and flings his ball across the bed, then jumps up and runs over to get it, brings it back, climbs up onto my shoulder with his ball, drops it, climbs down, runs over, grabs his ball, flips on his back, throws his ball, gets up, runs under the blankets...peeks out for a moment or two...(this is usually when he's still) then dodges back under the blanket, makes a new tunnel, peeks out to see where he is, spots his ball, runs over to it, picks it up, runs back to me or us, grabs my finger, expects to be lifted up so he can show off how he hangs with one foot, drops his ball, wants me to lower him to grab it with his beak, the raise him up again....and well...if I could bottle up his energy and have it for breakfast every morning...I actually might get everything done I need to do in a day! :D

I'm starting to see signs of this in my little guy who's also 6 months, but I just got him so he's not THAT comfortable with me yet. But man that was hilarious to read and a little scary for when mine finally comes out of his shell. I'm sure it's gonna be loads of fun !! I can't wait

& Congrats on the promotion !!!!! :D
And as for our Franklin...I tell ya, there are days when I say to him...can't you just sit still??? Just a few minutes???

He's like...nope, gotta go...and he's all over the place, he tunnels under our blankets, grabs his ball, carries it all over the place, climbs all over us and sticks to us like glue, he's all over our dinner, rolls over onto his back and flings his ball across the bed, then jumps up and runs over to get it, brings it back, climbs up onto my shoulder with his ball, drops it, climbs down, runs over, grabs his ball, flips on his back, throws his ball, gets up, runs under the blankets...peeks out for a moment or two...(this is usually when he's still) then dodges back under the blanket, makes a new tunnel, peeks out to see where he is, spots his ball, runs over to it, picks it up, runs back to me or us, grabs my finger, expects to be lifted up so he can show off how he hangs with one foot, drops his ball, wants me to lower him to grab it with his beak, the raise him up again....and well...if I could bottle up his energy and have it for breakfast every morning...I actually might get everything done I need to do in a day! :D


LOL!! You nailed it! I can so picture this. It sounds exactly like our little guy, as well. What a bunch of little rascals, lol.

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