Pellet feeds for conures


New member
Mar 8, 2013
Green Cheek Conure, Cipher
Green Cheek Conure, Kirby
Looking to find a fair priced, but good quality pellet feed for my GCC.
He was on Kaytee Exact Rainbow Fruity Parrot n Conure. He has that in his bowl, won't even look at it.

I bought Ecotrition Essential Blend Parrot n Conure. The peanuts are too big, so are the other large nuts in there. The medium seeds where he has to open them, he rarely manages to open and eat those, usually just drops them and moves on.

He's been eating the millet & soaked carrot. Not much else.

I'm going to the store tomorrow to get some fresh foods, so he's at least eating better in general. I'm very sure he's going to hate any pellet I give him.

But w/e, for future shopping, what pellets for his size, would you guys recommend?


Mar 6, 2013
Zu preem makes a small sized pellet for conures. Rowdy bush as well makes a mini or smallish zed pellets that conures usually love. Browns makes a conure sized pellet but I find most birds don't like them.. Harrison's is more expensive but makes a fine sized pellet that would suite a conure. The conure may never have been offered pellets? In this case you will have to convert him in order for him to eat pellets and accept that. This process can be explained if you want.


New member
Mar 8, 2013
Green Cheek Conure, Cipher
Green Cheek Conure, Kirby
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Other than just leaving the new food in his bowl, I see no other way to get him to eat. He picks at everything, even the carrot isn't always good
I didn't see any real pellets at petsmart when I bought food. I mean, they surely didn't look like little tubes like most other 'pellets' look like...
Maybe I should just make him some kind of mixed mash and offer some every day.
I was going to get my hammer out and crush the larger nuts so they are bite size, but I'm thinking he would just scratch those out.
I can already imagine what the garden will look like in a few months, random trees and plants growing that came from his 'no'
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New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
Have you looked at totally organic pellets? They are a excellent price and excellent quality. Only down side is they don't have vitamin D, so you'll either need to expose your birds to sunlight(which is extremely healthy anyway) or feed them foods with vitamin D. Bee pollen is a good source.
Totally Organics TOP Organic Bird Pellets

Also, have you tried a chop mix? It probably gets old that I always suggest them but that's because they are fantastic.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2012
Mitred Conure - Charlie 1994;
Cockatiel - Casey 2001;
Wild Caught ARN - Sylphie 2013
Considering his size, he can eat cockatiel or budgie sized foods. Screw the conure food of any type, go with the smaller kind! If he prefers smaller sized foods, feed him that! If he prefers larger sized foods, feed that!

I recommend Harrison's, Roudybush or TOP's as top three pellets. You might be able to find Roudybush in Petsmart, Petco or another chain pet shop, but ideally, it would be best to find a pet bird shop that carries various bird supplies. Otherwise, you need to order from a place online.

Some companies will offer free samples, some may offer free samples if you pay shipping, some may offer samples at a cheap price, and others have a money back guarantee, so don't be afraid to call up the companies and ask them. At the bottom of the following page is a list of pellet manufacturers. Use it!

Cockatiel Sized Pellet Comparison - Artemis Aviary: African Lovebirds; North Carolina, USA

If you have problems converting, I've put together the following thread for ideas.


New member
Mar 11, 2013
ZuPreem. Bob loves it. It comes in a variety of shapes, size, and color. Bob likes the green, the red, the yellow, (there is purple and orange too) all in the same bag. He also enjoys a mix called Volkman for our Hookbill kids. There is penuts, banana chips, coconut, apple, white + red proso millet, corn, cantelope, green peas, carrot, oat groats, safflower seeds, paddy rice, buckwheat, etc. There are times when he avoids certain foods, peanuts, banana chips (whatever). I break them up a bit. for whatever reason, he's encouraged + and eats them. Sometimes not. Check out sprouts. there are several awesome articles on line (growing sprouts for parrots) typed into your search engine will provide you with many options. They are easy to grow at home, very cost efficient, above all, great for your conure. Bob may be finicky over something new. If I repeat for a few days, more often than not he gives it a try. The ZuPreem looks good and it smells like a fruit salad. "Good Bob!"


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Crimson bellied conure.
I feed my Crimson bellied conure Zupreem fruit blend, roudy busy crumbles and small pellets, and volkmans hook bill seed. But I also give lots of fresh fruits and veggies daily with lots of nuts and grains. He seems to like it all and eats it readily.

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