Pet sitter rants


New member
Jul 14, 2016
I didn't know where to put this. I don't know how many of you know, but I'm only 15 so I still live with my parents. My mom has a herd of goats. My family wants to go to the beach for 4 days next week, my mom found a sitter for her goats without considering my animals at all. She expects to give them extra food and water and leave locked in their cages alone for 4 days.

Meanwhile her goats get round the clock watching. She says the sitter will pop in and check the food and water and that's it. So no fresh foods or anything. I am beyond angry and I don't know what to do. I could find a pet sitter and pay them myself, but we live in the middle of nowhere so they wouldn't come often. My mom has somebody staying at our house for the goats and dogs but they don't have experience with birds or rats and won't know how to watch them at all.

My mom also keeps saying "most people just fill food in the morning and leave the animal the rest of the day." She just doesn't understand my love for my animals. I know this is kind of petty and silly, but I just needed to let it out to somebody who actually understands.

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I'm so sorry!
Can you all sit down and have a real TALK????
Or maybe after you get replies here (which I know you will!) you could share with her???
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I'm so sorry!
Can you all sit down and have a real TALK????
Or maybe after you get replies here (which I know you will!) you could share with her???

I tried and she started getting quite angry and saying how I spoil them and they will be fine. I know for a fact that when I come home the birds will hate me and Starry will for sure be aggressive because she will have felt aggressive. I tried explaining how she is too intelligent to be left completely alone and she rolled her eyes and walked away. I really have no idea what to do about this.

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I'm definitely not trying to make her sound mean in any way. She is great and caring but when it comes to my animals we always fight because I spend all my money on them and insist on taking them to vets. She just doesn't believe in it is all. So it isn't her fault. I just can't figure out how to resolve it!

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I'm so sorry.
Your little loves will probably be fine... and you can make it up to them later. I wish you luck.
You're gonna like being an adult, kiddo.
Patagonian hugzszszszszs to you!'s hard I know. Birds are so special, smarter than anyone can imagine. With them being so smart, we can hope they will forgive your absence!
At least push for the water being changed daily!
Then try for the food being freshened.

I wouldn't even trust a water bottle for 4 days!
My 2 cents worth. Your Mom has goats and dogs that have a different care regimen. She can't relate and won't understand, she has her part covered. Have you asked her for contact info on her sitters and contacted them to ask them if they would include caring for your fids? If not do so and bluntly list how you want your fids fed and cared for. What's the worst they could say? No? Trust me I think they would be intrigued with your fids BUT, document your care expectations and what you expect from them.

As for forgiveness, my Buddy was so mad at me when I left him with my parents for 2 days, I had to pay. It took me an entire 30 minutes of talking and whistling at him, plus another 30 minutes of head scritches and I was FINALLY forgiven. Honestly he wanted treats, lol!!!

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My 2 cents worth. Your Mom has goats and dogs that have a different care regimen. She can't relate and won't understand, she has her part covered. Have you asked her for contact info on her sitters and contacted them to ask them if they would include caring for your fids? If not do so and bluntly list how you want your fids fed and cared for. What's the worst they could say? No? Trust me I think they would be intrigued with your fids BUT, document your care expectations and what you expect from them.

As for forgiveness, my Buddy was so mad at me when I left him with my parents for 2 days, I had to pay. It took me an entire 30 minutes of talking and whistling at him, plus another 30 minutes of head scritches and I was FINALLY forgiven. Honestly he wanted treats, lol!!!

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I think we have it mostly sorted. I just worry about her because she was left alone in a cage for 10 years, but even then she was in a room with some people. I hate making her go through it again. I think the deal is that the sitter will sleep in my room so the animals know they haven't been abandoned.

I hope it works out because if it doesn't I will feel horrible!

Thank you everybody for letting me rant here a bit! <3

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I think we have it mostly sorted. I just worry about her because she was left alone in a cage for 10 years, but even then she was in a room with some people. I hate making her go through it again. I think the deal is that the sitter will sleep in my room so the animals know they haven't been abandoned.

I hope it works out because if it doesn't I will feel horrible!

Thank you everybody for letting me rant here a bit! <3

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Really sounds good!
The thing I worry about the most is warning about things that aren't bird safe. If you can give a short list to the sitter like teflon, aerosols, avocado, chocolate.

Don't forget to leave your vet contact details and perhaps also a link to here. We will help in anyway possible if required.

Perhaps in future your vet may be useful for boarding for a few days?
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Don't forget to leave your vet contact details and perhaps also a link to here. We will help in anyway possible if required.

Perhaps in future your vet may be useful for boarding for a few days?

We don't have a vet yet! The nearest is 2 hours away and nobody wants to drive that far. Plus I have to find my own money to take her and I haven't saved up enough yet, between buying toys and a new cage and all the PVC for her playstand.

I am hoping the week before we leave I will be able to go to the vets, to my mind at ease before we leave!

Thanks for the offer :)

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