Pics of my new gal


New member
Feb 20, 2013
Mercer County, NJ
Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
Hi to all. I'm new to this site.... I had posted some questions recently. Thanks to all for the advice. I've only had CoCo a couple weeks. She's 8, and super sweet. Her old owner didn't have enough time for her. Needless to say, CoCo and I are in love. She has a great life now, with lots of attention. She is out of her cage literally all day.....from about 8 am until I go to bed. She's just so cute. She came to me saying hello and waving. I've been working on some new words, but nothing clear yet. She does a lot of mumbling. And she has learned to bark like the dog. That didn't take long at all. I'll love her no matter what, but I'm still hoping she will learn some new words. She is still going crazy with my finger in her mouth. I will post a video soon....would love to get some feedback and opinions from some of you more experienced parrot owners. Thanks again. :grey:


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CoCo is beautiful
She looks like an "ANGEL"
Continue talking to her, constantly 24/7
Birds absorb words even thought they are not saying them
Her mumbling is a sure sign that she is practicing.

She is really cute, congrats and I am glad things are going well:)
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Thanks everyone for the kind words. I'm in the market for a play stand. I'm thinking java wood. I want one that is a rolling one, with plenty of branches...however, they can be a little pricey. Wondering if anyone may have one they want to get rid of, or point me in a direction with reasonable prices. I'm in NJ.
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I saw the pic of your grey and white cockatiel the other day, and even commented to myself how adorable it is. I love the grey and white. Don't see too many of them. Besides the new too, I also have a cockatiel, but she is sooo mean. I got her has a handnfed babie, and she was great when we lived alone...just her and I. After I got married and had babies, she got very fresh. She's still cute, and she talks....however, she is a HE!!! But I never told her. Lol. She says HI MOLLY.....and pretty girl Molly.... That's her!!! Anyway, I love ur cockatiel. Adorable n

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