Please Help Me!!!

David's pionus

New member
Dec 4, 2010
9 month old male Blue Headed Pionus
My Blue Headed Pionus, Fiji, won't let me hold him or step on my finger. If he does step on my finger he quickly jumps on a nearby perch before i can take him out. I need help with bonding and figuring out how to get him to let me hold him.
hi i have an alexandrine, Archie and when i got him he wasnt very tame he didnt like to be touched or held and would bite me (very hard sometimes!). i was scared of him afer a bit but i found the best thing u can do is not rush them. with archie i fed him, (on his perch as thats where he felt safest) talked to him softly and eventually he didnt see my hand as something to be scared of. They are very social animals and given time and space will wan your company and attention. once you do get closer and if he'l sit on your shoulder this is good to just have him on you when youre around the house. Archie now likes to sit on my hand even get stroked and this week he said his 1st word so hang in there! let me know how you get on hope iv been of help :)
I just got my blue headed pionus Marty from another home. Hes 4 years old. Hes pretty aggressive hes bitten me and others many times. Hes much better with me now but still attacks other people. First what i did was i would just try to touch him and if he let me i gave him a treat (he likes nuts. almonds, cashews, peanuts) then i would try to scratch his head. then eventually you work your way into you being able to get him to step up. this website has alot of good info on it about taming fearful or aggressive parrots. yours seems afraid. hope this helps dont give up hope be patient. How To Tame Your Wild Or Aggressive Biting Parrot
I had the same thing with my first Pi. Miss-A is correct as well. Though there are other training methods to speed up the process, nothing helps more than giving it time and patience. My Pi was a rescue so I got her as a 10 year old, so she has been around the block. She did not let anyone touch her and when she did step up, she searched for the closest branch to escape the stranger. But everyday, I talked to her, fed her, gave her water, fed her treats (also gave me time to figure out her favorite foods) and now, we are inseparable. Though she still has a hard time with strangers. She now lets me do whatever with her! I found out she loves car rides and so we go out to my barn every once in a while and I take her perch and she sits on her perch and watches me groom my horse. In time, you too will make a great team!

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