plum parakeet


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Lucknow, India
alexandrine parakeet,indian ring neck,plum parrots.
hi everyone,
i am from India.i bought a pair of plum parakeets yesterday.the vendor told that they are around 3-4 months old.they are really scared from me and other family members and are not coming out of cage.even if anyone goes near their cage they start flying and screaming.i have had an Alexandrian parakeet earlier i bought him when he was a baby (15 days old) and he was very friendly.
i want to know how to win the confidence of my parrots and make them feel safe so that they can come out of their cage?
i tried giving them maize,rice and mashed potatoes but they only ate maize.please suggest what else i could feed them and if rice is bad for their health?


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May 9, 2013
Achilles my blind Cockatiel, she is four years old.

a Moluccan Cockatoo that it's over 30 years old.
Hi smitz! I'm not sure about the quality of rice you have in India but rice itself is fine for birds to eat. I know that the most commonly available rice for you must be long grain white rice which isn't very nutritious for birds. If you can try to find whole wheat, brown, or wild rice. Make sure your birds get a good vitamin supplement mixed with the rice. I doubt you have access to parrot pellets so the vitamins, along with fresh fruit and veggies are a must to keep your birds healthy.

Before worrying about having them friendly I would get their diet in check first! Good luck! I do however have a blog that might help you with understanding and training your bird. Plum heads are so pretty, always wanted one!


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Nov 24, 2010
Nanday, suns, parrotlet, Patagonian
Hello Smitz, welcome to the forums & congrats on your new birds.....

You are going to have to let them get used to you, your family and their new home & is all very different than what they are used to.....

Sitting by their cage, talking to them, reading to them or just sitting there while you read to yourself will help in getting them calmed down. Because you bought two birds, you are going to have to work with them individually, away from each other, in a separate room.....trying to work/train them together will be very difficult, but taking them individually to a room they are not familiar with will allow you their direct attention, that you will not have if there are other distractions going on.....

Because they are young, they most likely have no idea what foods other than what they are used to eating are.....being flock animals, they learn by watching their parents, siblings and flock mates and what they eat.....there are several threads on the forums about diets and what is good for your birds.....

Good luck.....


New member
Jun 24, 2013
Lucknow, India
alexandrine parakeet,indian ring neck,plum parrots.
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thank you weco.
but there is a slight problem.they both are in same cage.and none of them is willing to come out.i am afraid that if i'll force them they could get hurt.
can you suggest something regarding to this?
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