Preening or pulling out feathers?


New member
Jul 10, 2019
Australia, Melbourne
Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conure

I’m a new owner of a CGGC - have had him/ her a week.... I was told is 10 weeks old.

The day I got him, they took some feathers from his tail and underneath on his belly for the DNA test. I was wondering whether though, if this is him preening or pulling his feathers out? I can’t imagine they took as many that are broken off...from looking at this photo, do you think maybe he was either stressed and was/ is pulling at his feathers?

Thanks in advance!


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Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Common. Young birds are still learning how to not be clumsy doofuses and with long tailed birds it's not uncommon for tail feathers to break. How big is his cage + is he clipped?

Young birds aren't likely to mutilate their feathers unless they're sick and even then they don't normally target the tail.


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Jul 10, 2019
Australia, Melbourne
Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
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They said he was clipped when I got him...

Which does bring me to another question... is one side clipped more than the other?? (I’m a new bird owner, so still learning!), or do they tend to have one longer feather??

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May 24, 2018
Cairo the Ekkie!
It looks like he has a one-wing clip, which I thought was banned in certain countries. It is dangerous because your bird cannot balance normally nor control his landing should he glide on clipped wings. It's the likely cause of the broken tail feathers.

You will need to see an avian vet about either balancing out the other wing with an equal clip or having a feather transplant done. Birds have broken bones and split their chest open from one-wing clips. It's old school, but people have realised how irresponsible and dangerous they are. Not your fault - the person who clipped him is to blame.

Just a side note, be careful with the top-door cages. Birds have died from the doors falling on them despite being propped open. And my own bird was inside with the doors closed, but managed to squeeze his head between the doors. Other birds flailed around and break their necks, but luckily my partner was home to save him the moment he started screaming.


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Jul 10, 2019
Australia, Melbourne
Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
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It looks like he has a one-wing clip, which I thought was banned in certain countries. It is dangerous because your bird cannot balance normally nor control his landing should he glide on clipped wings. It's the likely cause of the broken tail feathers.

You will need to see an avian vet about either balancing out the other wing with an equal clip or having a feather transplant done. Birds have broken bones and split their chest open from one-wing clips. It's old school, but people have realised how irresponsible and dangerous they are. Not your fault - the person who clipped him is to blame.

Just a side note, be careful with the top-door cages. Birds have died from the doors falling on them despite being propped open. And my own bird was inside with the doors closed, but managed to squeeze his head between the doors. Other birds flailed around and break their necks, but luckily my partner was home to save him the moment he started screaming.

Thank you.

Yes. I think a vet trip is in order... I do believe he is feather plucking (although I don’t actually see any in his cage, I think he’s now going at the feathers already gone). I think I need to go and see avian vet regardless... he’s started biting at my nails and now fingers and super hard, so I think chatting to someone experienced will help. I want to try and nip this in the but before it gets really bad.

It’s so strange, he / she wants to be on & with me..steps up fine, and then when he’s on my hand will bite at me and then gradually get harder and harder. I don’t react and try keep a poker face. I’ve tried talking and music.... giving him other things to chew at, but he still prefers my nails. If I put him back on his cage and walk out the room he hates it when I leave, bops his head like he wants to come and fly to me and runs up and down his cage.

Also, he loves “grooming” at my face... like gently little kisses..I don’t really know what that’s about but leans closer when I start pulling him away.

Not sure whether this is him getting used to his new environment, as we have only had him 8 days and of course getting used to myself and family (I have a 2 year old and a dog as well).

I feel like I’m constantly worrying about him and I’m trying hard to ensure there’s plenty for him to do in his cage. He does spend a lot of time out of the cage, just sitting on top or with me. Just want to make sure that I’m doing everything right.

My partner is making me regret getting him, because he’s requiring so much work.

He came from a pet shop with lots of other birds, and I think he was out on a perch with the other birds during the day... so I don’t know whether he’s missing that environment and having friends around?? He does go crazy when he sees himself in the mirror.... sits right up close and almost cuddles up to his reflection. So maybe he’s wanting a friend? I don’t know..

Anyway, some positive comments or feedback would be appreciated... I’m feeling a little lost and sad and just want to make sure he’s happy.


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May 24, 2018
Cairo the Ekkie!
For feather plucking, you would see colored/bloody tips. If the tips are clear/translucent, then that’s just naturally dropping out. If he’s snipping/mutilating the feathers that are on his body, that would be called barbering - you’d see the feathers look a bit tattered/sparse. An avian vet (not just any vet) would be able to guide any tests and answer all your questions and concerns.

He’s still a baby right now, so he’s still learning the ropes of how hard he can bite and what he can bite. You’ll just have to gently but consistently direct him. Some beaking is ok for exploration, but birds should be pressure trained before given access rights to your shoulder :p

I’d be cautious on getting ‘a friend’ - parrots are like humans in that suddenly putting a new roommate or a new housemate doesn’t mean they’ll be friends let alone tolerate each other. They could live the rest of their lives hating each other and needing separate times outside of their cage.

As for the worrying…

Tbh, Cairo came into my life right as I was experiencing a couple of months of small anxiety-like attacks. I remember getting so worked up one evening about him potentially coming home to us - I was pacing and crying and my partner was trying to get me not to hyperventilate. Of course, bringing a little living creature was not going to make that better. (Nor was Cairo the cause - I was stressed about new life-changing knowledge, tricky work situation, family medical issues, etc.) I was terrified to leave him alone in the house, even though he was safe inside his cage. I felt so guilty and anxious and stressed for the first few months of his time with us. Sometimes I still get worked up, depending on the stressors in my life.

In a way, I guess, it’s like having a newborn for the first time. You can read all the books and forums, but they can only prep you for so much. The rest you learn while doing. And yeah, it’s scary to be responsibility for such a tiny and fragile life. And yes, it is a lot of work - that’s the definition of parrots. But once everybody warms up to each other and learns the new normal, it’s 110% worth it.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Birds do spend time preening, keeping feathers in order is normal. As is shedding a few feathers here and there. My birds live to preen when I get them out. It does look like a one wing clip, yes definitely clip the other side! After that you might let them grow back, I prefer my birds flighted. I think the tail feathers are just beat up from being in a smallish cage. If you are able to , or can save up, a larger cage would be better for theses active birds.
Nail chewing, so typical! They want to peel our nails off,. Lol I constantly educate my birds that my nails are not toys. Grooming you I'd normal. It really seems your bird likes you and is happy to be bonded with you. GCC can be nippy, and you will grow better at reading body language, and you bird will learn nips aren't tolerated. You can readtons if past threads on the topic !!! ;)
Sometimes your bird loves you but is afraid of your hands, you can work with hand feeding treats to help them get over it. Explore the forum and the stickies in blue at the top of each topic page, even read from other species can teach you a lot!
Welcome, it sounds like you are doing great. Worrying about our FIDs ( feathered kids) is part of being a parront ( parrot parent)


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Jul 10, 2019
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Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
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Thanks so much for the response!

Will look into getting a bigger cage then too.. and to think they offered a smaller one!

Good to read I’m on the right track. Will keep reading other topics too.

Thanks again!

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Jul 10, 2019
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Cinnamon Turquoise Green Cheek Conure
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Great news! We are making such good progress!!!

My birb has calmed down in the biting and we are really starting to bond!

I took her to the avian vet - they had to clip her other wing :( to even out the one - wing clip (which was done when I got her!) I was mortified to see that where I got her from had also clipped 12 feathers!! The vet couldn’t believe it. Shouldn’t be that many!! :( But said they should grow back by January. Otherwise, they examined her and said she was all well and healthy.

As for the tail feathers - the avian vet was going to discuss whether to attach other feathers to try and encourage / break her out of the habit of chewing at them... the vet mentioned that because they’ve broken off and she’s preening them - she’s gotten into a habit of chewing at her tail, and trying to break her out of it will be difficult. So I’m waiting for a phone call to further discuss this to see the next step.

I’ve been trying to keep her busy (though she’s really not into toys - every now and then she will have a play, but only generally when she’s on me).... otherwise, she has no interest and would prefer to just be with me. The thing is, she will go at her tail even when sitting on my shoulder. I have her out with me pretty much all day, other than when I pop out for 2hrs during the day.

I wondered though - whether it’s worth getting her a friend. I know there’s a lot of mixed reviews on this... and the whole it could go two ways. They can either like each other or not.. seperate cages etc. I’m in two minds. Im just thinking whether it might keep her distracted from going at her tail. She’s not necessarily pulling the feathers out - just really going over them and agitated at the broken ones. I also don’t want to wait too long, because she is still only 13weeks so hopefully it’d be easier to introduce at a younger age than waiting until she’s really settled in. I saw another GCC today (10weeks)- who looked to be very similar in temperament (and no it was a different shop), and could fly... which is also something that I worry about. That due to the mess they did with my CGG’s wings that she won’t be able to fly because she hasn’t known how to. So whether a friend could help in encouraging that too?

As for the cage - I have been looking to get her a bigger one... whether this would help (although her tail wasn’t damaged from the cage I have her in)... what do you think of this for sizing? Would this be ok?

Anyway, I’m really enjoying my little companion, it’s been 4weeks. She’s been on a couple of short car rides (just to get her out the house and distract her)... and she loves it. I also discovered that she is a cinnamon turquoise... which I was td she was a straight cinnamon. So that’s super exciting.

I’m still awaiting a DNA test! After almost 4 weeks, it’s killing me, because I wanna name her so bad!!

Anyway, thanks for listening to my rant!

Here’s a pic after a bath!! Hahaha


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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Hi! A real sweetheart!
Are those spring loaded clips in her cage? Those can be a trap, especially for an overactive youngster! I know there is a link in here with a great chart! New cage looks nice, add a couple safe branches!
Remember, because of her age, she may try to start bossing you around! You have a miniature Macaw that thinks she is full size! This period is fairly short!


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Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
So many people have said "I think my bird is lonely,should I get him/her a friend?" DONT do it! Unless YOU want another bird! Just think about it..Another bird means TWICE as much work..TWICE as much food..TWICE the vet bill! And what happens if they don't like each other?? What do you do then?? Or what if they DO like each other and would rather bond with themselves and leave you out in the cold???
The only reason to get another bird is if YOU want another...NEVER because you think he/she is lonely. VERY BAD idea!


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