Progress with my Quaker


New member
Jun 21, 2013
One Quaker- Piper
Hello all!
Zelda has a new name! Piper.
I've had her for 5 days now and she has made tremendous progress. I have learned a lot as well. She has gone from biting the holy daylights out of me every chance she got to rarely thinking about biting. She started to bite me once yesterday and I reminded her "no biting!" and she released before the bite was painful.
She had an extreme hatred of hands but now will come to my hands and hop up or look for treats. I have been hand feeding her millet seeds and working on step ups.
She used to always fly back to her cage to get away from me but now happily sits on my knee. That's where she is now, and she is sleeping!
I noticed something funny about her. She is a "lefty"- always holding things in her left foot and never in her right foot. But that may be because she is missing half of her longest toe on the front of her right foot.
I am becoming smitten with her :) she is learning that head scratchies are pretty nice as well. I think she likes me :)

Steph & Piper


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Rotonda West , Fla
yellow sided green cheek conure,Chiquita Quaker parrot Sweetie Pie, African red bellied parrot Tiki, spanish timbrado canary Lucas
Looks like Piper is settling in well. That is great progress for only 5 days. Congrats to you both and I love the new name:)


New member
Jun 21, 2013
One Quaker- Piper
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Piper is incredibly smart. I don't think I could have chosen a better breed of parrot for my first bird!
Steph & Piper


New member
Jun 29, 2012
A pair of cockatiels
And pair of African Greys
Piper is a nice name:) I think my CAG is a lefty to:)


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
Glad that Piper is progressing so well!

There have been research studies done on the subject that have shown that most parrots are "left-footed." :)


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May 9, 2013
Achilles my blind Cockatiel, she is four years old.

a Moluccan Cockatoo that it's over 30 years old.
Aww that's great! I too am currently training my thirty year old cockatoo and I thought he would never let me touch him or learn target training! I was so ecstatic the first day he offered his head down for a scratch, he gets one every morning and night now!


New member
Jun 21, 2013
One Quaker- Piper
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That's so interesting about most parrots being left footed!

CaitlinBird, Congrats on your progress! How exciting!

Piper is being sooo good. She and I are getting better at being on the same page. Now I know when she chirps that she wants something and I am slowly figuring out what it is that she wants. Sometimes she wants out of her cage, sometimes she wants to go to her cage. She has two cages, both in the livingroom. She has gotten used to our evening routine of treat and training time and this evening I was running behind so she started chirping demanding her treat time :) she relishes time out of her cage and spends most of the day out even if its just sitting on top of her cage lol.

I bought her a new toy today and she doesn't know what to make of it yet so she's keeping her distance. She's a lot of fun! I used to think birds were boring and all they were for was something pretty to look at but a lost African Grey taught me otherwise. The TAG had escaped and flew from its owners when they didn't realize how long her wings had gotten. She spent THREE DAYS roaming around town before I found her. I only had her about an hour until I located her owner. Boy were they happy! They had had her for her entire 19 years and had never lost her before. They thought they would never see her again. You should have seen the look of relief on the Greys face when I found her. It was plain as day, "oh thank God! I want to go home!" I took her home and fed her a slice of apple and gave her a drink and then posted a "found parrot" ad on the local Facebook page. She was so smart and quite the sweetie. It was then that I became captivated by parrots and shortly thereafter adopted my Quaker. She's developing into quite the little love :)

I'm getting MBD or whatever its called.. I must refrain from getting another bird.... :D

Steph & Piper <3


New member
Jan 8, 2014
I have had my Quaker (Emory) 5 days as well and have had no where near that progress lol. Show me your ways!


New member
Jan 3, 2014
Key with new birds is to spend as much time in the same room as them as possible. Let them analyze you and determine for their self that you are not a threat.

I spend 90% of my free time in my room. So all feathered ones go in there. Play your video games, listen to your music and jam out. DO WHAT YOU NORMALLY DO. This is key. And they always seem to come around within a day or 2.

I should add this go's way beyond just stepping up and having them fly away. I am talking about having a feathered one that chooses to be with you. Earn the trust and enjoy the companionship
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