PVC Bird Play Gym Stand


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Dec 12, 2010
Jake YNA 1970,Kia Panama amazon1975, both i removed from nest and left siblings, Forever Home to,Stacie (YN hen),Mickie (RLA male),Blinkie (YNA hen),Kong (Panama hen),Rescue Zons;Nitro,Echo,Rocky,Rub
Nice job, good luck,hope i didn't mess you up.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
Looks great !

Yes, I would also know what you used for stain ?
The brown is wonderful and several different colors on a play gym would be fun.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Thank you so much! I have like every drill bit known to man kind, but not one like that. I'll be buying it asap!

Sure, I'm also wondering about the stain. I didn't know you could stain PVC. Are you sure it's bird safe?


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Jan 1, 2012
New Jersey
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Thank you so much! I have like every drill bit known to man kind, but not one like that. I'll be buying it asap!

Sure, I'm also wondering about the stain. I didn't know you could stain PVC. Are you sure it's bird safe?

I will post on the pvc staining soon. I am in the process of talking with the company that produces the dyes and will post pictures and tech info once I have there permission. I will create a new video on staining. But I can tell you that the dye becomes infused in the pvc plastic. Its not just a surface stain it is a deep into the plastic staining. The only problem I will warn everyone with is the stuff you use, will knock you for a loop if you don't have good ventilation. I have to do it outside or it starts my heart beating irregular. Its that strong in its liquid state. But when its fully cured and drys it is completely safe and odorless. The piece you see in my pictures was even put through the dish washer several times and its fine.

And my birds have been on these perch's now for weeks and they are fine too.
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Jan 1, 2012
New Jersey
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Staning PVC Pipe

Ok, so instead of creating another video showing how to stain, and since I can't seem to get a definitive answer on the "Bird Safeness" of the dye process, I am going to just leave it up each person to "Use At Your Own Discretion" . I know many people use PVC Pipe Cleaner to clean the printed text off of the PVC pipe. I have used it for years for all the bird stands and perches I have ever built.



Once the Cleaner evaporates and it does within seconds, and let the pvc pipe air out for several days, I have always felt it was completely safe. I have never had any health problems with my birds.

And by the way, the PVC Pipe Cleaner is the main ingredient of the staining process. It is the stuff I said you have to use in a well ventilated area or it will knock you for a a loop. You just add the dye to the pvc pipe cleaner and shake and just use the applicator to brush it on the pvc pipe.

So here is the links on the process of how to do it, also I have included a link to eBay with the company in New Jersey that makes the dye. They sell it on eBay. If you want multiple colors make sure you ask for them to discount the shipping cost. They will. The dye as of this post is $13.00 for a 1 once bottle. And 1 ounce will last you a long time.

One word of caution too, MAKE SURE YOU WERE GOGGLES AND GLOVES!!!
This dye is super concentrated. If you think its hard to get a tattoo off, you will not want to get this stuff on your skin It will be there for good. I still can't get the spot off that hit my arm.

Link to the article about the staining process:

Stain PVC Any Color You Like

Link to the Dye Stain on eBay:

Since I can't seem to get the eBay link to work here
just do a search for "PVC Stain" on eBay.

I asked the person who wrote the article on pvc staining about his thoughts on how "Bird Safe" he thinks this would be. Here is his email response to me:

" Kicknj

Truthfully, I don't know, but I would bet at 19 to 1 odds that it will be fine. The molecules in the dye are oil-soluble only, and all living things are water based. So unless the bird eats the plastic, there's basically no way the dye is going to get into its system. Even if it does, I don't think that would be any more harmful than eating UN-dyed PVC plastic, because the dye molecules will stay in the plastic and pass through the bird without being absorbed into its blood. But I'm not an expert, and if there's much doubt you should probably err on the side of caution. Thanks again for reading, and for writing. Cheers- Sean "

So in closing I say again "Use At Your Own Discretion" My feelings are that it is completely safe. I have even put the pvc pieces I stain through the dish washer several times. Nothing rubs off once its cured.

Again, if you have any questions just message me.
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New member
Feb 14, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Currently bird less.
So cool to know. Even if I'm not a very handy person. I might even give it a try some day. Thanks so much for sharing! :)


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I also meant to include..... If you can't find Pipettes for your dye, this is what I bought on eBay. They are medicine droppers. Because as I said, the dye is super concentrated, and your only going to need a few drops .05ml for a 4 once can of pvc cleaner.

These were $6.99 for 24 of them with free shipping.

Do a search on eBay for "Medicine Dropper" and just look for this picture.

Have Fun!


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Jul 13, 2011
Darcy (Golden-Collared Macaw), Puck (Caique - RIP)
How on earth did I miss this thread??

Most paint/stains are baby safe once they are dry, which generally means bird safe too, as far as I know. :)


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Nov 15, 2010
York, PA
I am the proud mommy of a female Pineapple Turquoise Green Cheek Conure Gracie, a Senegal named Willow, a Sun Conure named Oakley, and a pair of American Budgies named Jasper and Pixie
I make these parrot play stands and sell them at www.graciesparrotpayground.com
I worked for several months through much trial amd error to create the wood look design.
I just want to say this.... If you don't know what your doing please do not attempt it!!! Cuttin or scoring PVC in any way can cause splintering of the PVC. This is very dangerous to your parrot. If the parrot bites off one of those splinters and ingests it you could end up with a very sick or even worse dead bird. I take great measures to make sure all of our designs are 100% safe. Each and every piece is inspected for defects before the gym is assembled.
I just wanted to caution anyone who may decide to try to build a PVC gym and cut the PVC in any way.


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May 1, 2012
Forrest -Yellow sided Green Cheek Conure, Nacho- Sun Conure
I agree Spiritbird, we use vet wrap on ours. A little hard to clean but easy to replace. Works great.


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Nov 15, 2010
York, PA
I am the proud mommy of a female Pineapple Turquoise Green Cheek Conure Gracie, a Senegal named Willow, a Sun Conure named Oakley, and a pair of American Budgies named Jasper and Pixie
I would never use that dye on the PVC. Think about it.... That PVC cleaner is highly flammable and very toxic.... If you need to use it in a well ventilated area then all that alone should tell you it isn't safe for birds. Maybe the birds are all ok right now but who knows what that dye is doing to them in the long run. Parrots chew,they use their beaks to climb so I can't in any way imagine this dye is good to use on a play gym. Has the guy had it avian vet approved? I highly doubt any vet would approve it.
Bottom line is before copying something someone else has created do ur research and lots of it.


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Sep 26, 2011
Brisbane, Australia
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I would never use that dye on the PVC. Think about it.... That PVC cleaner is highly flammable and very toxic.... If you need to use it in a well ventilated area then all that alone should tell you it isn't safe for birds. Maybe the birds are all ok right now but who knows what that dye is doing to them in the long run. Parrots chew,they use their beaks to climb so I can't in any way imagine this dye is good to use on a play gym. Has the guy had it avian vet approved? I highly doubt any vet would approve it.
Bottom line is before copying something someone else has created do ur research and lots of it.

Just wanted to let you know, that the link you posted doesn't work or doesn't exist.


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Dec 2, 2011
Eastern panhandle of WV
Kazi - 13 yr old yellow nape amazon rescue
I make these parrot play stands and sell them at www.graciesparrotpayground.com
I worked for several months through much trial amd error to create the wood look design.
I just want to say this.... If you don't know what your doing please do not attempt it!!! Cuttin or scoring PVC in any way can cause splintering of the PVC. This is very dangerous to your parrot. If the parrot bites off one of those splinters and ingests it you could end up with a very sick or even worse dead bird. I take great measures to make sure all of our designs are 100% safe. Each and every piece is inspected for defects before the gym is assembled.
I just wanted to caution anyone who may decide to try to build a PVC gym and cut the PVC in any way.

Just a question, are you *burning* the PVC? Because that's what it looks like in your pics and that would scare me to death to have around my bird. Or me! I used to work glass many years ago with a high powered torch. I once accidentally partially melted/burned a PVC stringer holder on my work table with the torch. The fumes it put off were AWFUL. Even after it was extinguished it smelled fumey for weeks.

I'd be more comfortable with the dye than with burned PVC, to be honest. The dye, once it cures, is presumably odor free and bonded to the PVC. Yes it's fumey when in working state, but so is PVC during the manufacturing process. I can promise you they're doing that in a well-ventilated area too! But again, once it's cured, it's bird safe.

I plan on making a large gym for Kazi using the ideas in this thread, but I'll be skipping the dyes. Not because I think they're dangerous, but because I'll never get through an entire color and I'd want more than one!


New member
Nov 15, 2010
York, PA
I am the proud mommy of a female Pineapple Turquoise Green Cheek Conure Gracie, a Senegal named Willow, a Sun Conure named Oakley, and a pair of American Budgies named Jasper and Pixie
Sorry typo.... Gracie's Parrot Playground - Home
I can assure you that my products are 100% bird safe and Avian vet approved.
Though I will not tell my secret because I worked too long and hard to come up with it. And I have a copy right and patent pending. I will tell you my process is done in an outside environment and my birds are no where near.
I take great measures to make sure everything is 100% bird safe. My parrots are my kids and they are spoiled rotten. Lol!:orange::orange:


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Gresham, OR
Zilla 29 Y.O. Orange Wing Amazon
Why not just be safe and wrap it with vet wrap.

This is the one I made for my girl Zilla and she loves it!

I used NO glue, just wrapped the vet wrap and then slid the connectors and caps on it so it all fits tightly and won't come apart.
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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2014
Greater Orlando area, Florida
JoJo, 'Special' GCC, Bongo, Cinnamon GCC(wife's)
Why not just be safe and wrap it with vet wrap.

This is the one I made for my girl Zilla and she loves it!

I used NO glue, just wrapped the vet wrap and then slid the connectors and caps on it so it all fits tightly and won't come apart.

Awsum play stand! I agree, dying a bit too risky.
Question on your stand, looks like you are using split i-hooks, hopefully my attachment shows. Are these a danger?
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Sep 25, 2014
Bella (B&G Macaw)
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I really like Zilla's playstand Amanda, so bright and colorful!


New member
Sep 27, 2014
Gresham, OR
Zilla 29 Y.O. Orange Wing Amazon
Why not just be safe and wrap it with vet wrap.

This is the one I made for my girl Zilla and she loves it!

I used NO glue, just wrapped the vet wrap and then slid the connectors and caps on it so it all fits tightly and won't come apart.

Awsum play stand! I agree, dying a bit too risky.
Question on your stand, looks like you are using split i-hooks, hopefully my attachment shows. Are these a danger?

All the hardware is stainless steel so parrot safe, and the way they are placed she doesn't use them for anything. If your bird would be "using" them to climb or hang on then you might want to get the closed ones. I keep a close eye on her and will change them out if I need to.

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