Question on General Pricing of Sun Conures


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Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Congratulations, Michelle! And Star-Lord is his outlaw name, eh? Hahaha! Nice!

Well, I look forward to meeting your little "Guardian" in September! (Unless you can get pics earlier, that is.)


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Mar 8, 2015
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Congratulations on your new bird to be Michelle! So that must mean you're staying in the States now :). Just curious, what made you decide on a Sun in particular instead of another Quaker, or yet another species?

Thanks! I am still in Honduras right now, but I'm coming home very soon thanks to a bout of dengue fever. :( I really did not enjoy living there, while my partner absolutely loved it, so my partner is going to stay at the resort job while I come back to the States. I want them to be happy and they want me to be happy, so we decided this is probably the best for us both. The good thing being that we can at least say that we really, really, tried, right? At least I won't be wondering "If I had just gone, maybe we would have been so happy there together" all my life! I held off on renting my house and selling my car until we returned home for a visit in December, so while the house will be a little bit emptier without my partner, at least I will be back in my familiar home. I guess the "bohemian life" just wasn't for a stick in the mud like me.

I would get another Quaker, but I feel like since they all look so similar to one another I would be reminded of Sammy every time I saw my new guy, and it's still too soon since he found a new home in Allee's flock for me to be able to handle that. I know it sounds silly because I'm sure my new Quaker would have a totally different personality, but I just feel like I'd still think 'Sammy!' every time I saw him or her and feel a little sad. So I decided to go for a sun conure, which I have always loved. Other than quakers and galahs, they are my favorites, and after my misadventure in Honduras I don't really have enough money to invest in a galah plus galah sized cage. So I decided to go sunny.


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Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
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Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
Oh gosh Michelle, I'm so sorry about the Dengue Fever :(. I hope you recover asap! Yes, you tried... but that change of lifestyle wouldn't be for everyone. Good that you got to at least experience the country, scuba dive, and explore. Memories that will stay with you for a lifetime. Think of it as a long vacation lol.

I can understand your reason for not getting another Quaker so soon. Suns are beautiful birds! I hope your trip back to Texas goes smoothly :).

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