Questions about Sassy's diet??


New member
Apr 27, 2014
Sassy - 13 y.o. Blue Front Amazon, Cisco - 6 y.o. Sun Conure, Peanut - 8 y.o. U2
Fred - 2(?) y.o. Cockatiel, Ginger - 3 or 4(?) y.o. Cockatiel
Hi all! I have a couple questions about getting Sassy to eat her fruits and veggies. She (like me) doesn't seem to like alot of She likes raw carrots, and she likes grapes. She will eat a little bit of apple (yes, I core them) and a little romaine lettuce but that's about it. I give her higgins parrot blend mixed with zupreem fruit pellets as her regular food. What are the best fruits and veggies to try, and do they need cooked or should they be raw. I have sweet potatoes to try but I see there is alot of controversy about giving them cooked or raw...what do you guys say? And I also have asparagus but I see controversy over whether to give that to them at all, so....

Otherwise, Sassy is doing great. We moved her cage to a more central home location so now she can always see us if we are in the dining room, kitchen or living room. Before she couldn't see us if we were in the living room and she would "scream" when we she couldn't see us. She is MUCH quieter now. (Believe it or not I kinda miss the sound:confused:)

She wants out of her cage as much as possible and she is a handful to get her back I let her out before I feed her and she used to go back in when I put her food in, but it's getting harder to get her to fall for that. Like she's saying "I will go back in and eat when I'M ready" I still try to get her to step up on my arm (not my shoulder anymore)...she comes close, but last time she ended up biting me..and I know that won't be the last time she does. Then she flew into my dining room to get out of going back in her cage, and my hubby just walked up to her and stuck his arm up and said step up a couple times, and as I stood with my mouth hanging open, she stepped up and he carried her back to her cage! :11: So she CAN do it...IF SHE wants

Well, let me know about the best foods to try...thanks in advance!


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
Sounds like "Sassy" is a very suiting name:D

Our BFA also is not fond of most fruit and veg, but it is especially important that parrots eat a good amount of both each day. With *most* raw is better than cooked to preserve the most nutrients, though sweet potatoes specifically, I feed cooked. Since Sassy is so new, it will take some time to figure out what kinds she likes and how she likes them (big chunks, chopped up, in strips, and trust me, it matters big time to parrots:eek:). They are very picky eaters, so it's a lot trial and error, but you will figure out. Personally, I like to feed Kiwi fruit in the morning and veg in the evening. Fruit contains perfectly healthy and natural sugars, but it does still give them a rush, thus is better not to feed before bedtime. I also feed Kiwi his fresh produce FIRST before he gets any other food. That way he gets the healthiest stuff when he's really hungry and most likely to eat a good portion. Once he's eaten a good amount, then he gets his other food.

Just be sure to familiarize yourself with what is safe to feed, and start trying her on EVERYTHING offered in several different ways until you find out what she likes, and then make sure she's eating a good variety of fresh produce each day. Best of luck.

Edit: wanted to add, when I say try fruits and veg offered in different ways, I mean try cutting them different. For example, Kiwi likes large chunks of broccoli, squash, banana and citrus fruits but won't touch apples, pears, plums, leafy greens or carrots unless they are chopped into very tiny pieces. Grapes and berries he prefers halved. It took a long time to figure out he likes those last things, just not in large chunks. Not that they taste different or anything, but Mr. Pickybutt has his preferences and I'm sure Sassy will too!
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New member
Nov 9, 2012
Moved to Chapala, Mexico six years ago.
Seven cockatiels, Pepe (gray pied) and Miko (lutino), and Lola (pearl), Josie (cinnamon) and Jose (whiteface pied). Coco is pure white male and Rocky is gray pied. Lilac Crowned Amazon - Chu Chu
I make "birdie mash" in a food processor for my cockatiels. It is made of carrots, broccoli, whole wheat bread, granola, canned corn, chick peas and sprouts. Some processed and some whole. Cockatiels don't particularly like fruit and like the mash crumbly, not wet. So I tried it with ChuChu, lilac crowned amazon, when I brought him home and added pieces of fruit. He loves it. I also cook an egg some mornings and all of them devour that. He has pellets available all the time and I feed him sunflower seeds and nuts by hand for treats or for training.

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