Questions on diet and bonding


New member
Sep 2, 2013
My BG has laid 5 eggs in two weeks and I am worried I have the diet wrong. I have 2 BG, male and female and feed them the same thing. I scramble one egg together with 1/3 cup brown rice 1/3 cup frozen or canned mixed veg. and two coffee scoops of Harrision's that I have put through the blender to break down so it mixes well with the other ingredients. I split it between the two of them and feed once a day in the morning. I have not given them seed in at least 3 months. I offer them fruit late morning and mid afternoon. I started this diet when I began working at getting them off seed (both ate only seed when I acquired them 14 months ago. Is there a problem with what I am doing? They are in great temperament and active and their feathers are beautiful. I'm also wondering if there is something I can do help them become friends. I have had them both for 14 months. When they get close to each other they start screaming and get beaky with each other. The male is 3 yr old and the female is 10. The male usually dominates in these situations.

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