Scarlet wont stop eating....


New member
Jul 8, 2012
Slaughter, La
Jax (CAG)
Scarlet (Ekkie)
Toot (TAG)
(YNA-Nappy, Gone but never ever far from my heart)
Hi, ok, she is finally settling in. She still fluffs a lil when ya go near her but she is making a few noises and playing with her toys. She just dont wanna stop eating. She gets plenty, she gets spinach, sugar snap peas, bell pepper, sweet pepper, brussell sprouts, carrot, apple and grape, a small piece of Avi cake and a couple nutri berry twice a day.....Add in a small piece of birdie bread right before she goes to bed, She will be chewing crumbs all day, I know she is getting plenty to eat but she acts like she is always hungry, Could she be just getting used to not getting any formula??? How long did yalls babies act like they hate ya before they calmed down. I can pick her up and hold her but she will do that fake out lunge first. Any advice? :confused:
It could be stress, like when some girls get stressed and we sit down in front of a movie with a gallon of ice cream :) or she is taking advantage that food will always be there, which it wasn''t when she was on formula. Don't stop feeding her- let her eat to her hearts contents. If she wasnt getting the adequate nutrients from the formula she could be making up for it now. Just make sure not to give her too many treats. Make sure she has plenty if toys and isn't eating out of boredom. If it doesnt subside in a 2 weeks or her droppings get weird and remain that way over a day go to the vet as it may be medical, but its probably not :)
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I have been keeping her bowl full of veggies. She has been playing with her toys. She has only been here 5 days so I can see she is not ready for us to be handling her much. She will play with toys that I am holding for her. At least she is eating very well. Thanks for the reply, I feel like im doing what I am supposed to. :)
eats all day ! She is a grazer, she eats when first given her meals and then munches on it for an hour or two after. I feed her two meals a day ( Lunch & Dinner ). I remove the bowl of food after about 2 hours, so it doesnt go bad. She has organic pellets designed for Ekkie's available at all times. She does get food snacks in between meals though.
I know my friend has the same problem. But he took her to the vet and very healthy. She just like to eat every time you see her she was eating.
I would also recommend weighing her twice a day. once before feeding and again at bedtime. You will be able to tell if she is gaining weight or just maintaining her natural weight. I keep a diary of Ruby's daily weights and what she is fed at what time. That way I can see if she starts losing weight and may be sick, or the rcord can be helpful to a vet if they get sick.
Great suggestion Boysmom, that's a good idea. That'll make sure she stays healthy and if she is just a big eater or really needs all that food.
A lot of people will disagree but I would give her a good seed mix as well. Forrest eats mostly fresh food and he always chooses that first even tho seeds are always available to him, late in the day he will eat seeds, otherwise he would literally starve. Once I got him on this regimen he held his weight and seemed satisfied. As long as she gets all kinds of fresh food as her mainstay she will be fine with seeds in her diet. The pellets are to guarantee everything is wrapped up in one pellet for those who don't feed fresh food. That is my opinion but most will disagree.
Some seeds are okay. They often become addictive and create a picky bird, but if you only sprinkle in 5 seeds it's enough to motivate them to eat, but not enough to get full off of and ignore the rest of its' food.

The pellets are great. I'm thinking of buying a dehydrator and switching to pellets and nuts. Figure all day pellets will be there but in the morning and night in place of fresh food- which she wont eat- there will be nuts and dehydrated fruits and veggies.
It could be stress, like when some girls get stressed and we sit down in front of a movie with a gallon of ice cream :)
Some girls?! I do it all the time! LOL just kidding.\
But yes, most was summed up, it could be stress, or she didn't have food availible at all times when on handfeeding. I would weigh her if she keeps eating like that just incase.
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Thanks Everyone, I appreciate all the help and suggestions. At least she is eating veggies all day.
She sounds lovely!
I have an eccie who is also always eating. He doesnt get any seed or pellets, but does get some sprouts.
The bulk of his diet is a base mash of sweet potato (high in Vit A and v good for eccies) with finely chopped silverbeet, kale, peas, corn, cooked brown rice, apple, grated carrot etc etc.
I make up a great big batch (cook the sweet potato etc, mash and then throw in frozen peas/corn to cool it down, then the vegies)
This mix was recommended by the vet and really keeps him healthy. He also gets fresh fruit/veg all day too.
Its super convienient as you just make a big batch and freeze in bags, and they love it warm (microwave!)
They have a bit of a rep for being very very messy eaters! Mine throwns a lot up the walls but gosh he loves his food!!
Thanks Everyone, I appreciate all the help and suggestions. At least she is eating veggies all day.

Quite correct, at least eating veggies is healthy

You should be Mishka eating...... OMG a little birdie piggie :eek:
Mishka's favorite pass time. He also loves his veggies
Take note : he never said one word.... at least he has table manners LoL

[ame=""]Amazing Talking African Grey Mishka - His Favourite Pass Time EATING - YouTube[/ame]
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HAHA Mishka is quite the little character. I love the vids you post of him, I am still waiting for my lil grey boy Jax to get home, I cant wait, Maybe Scarlet will see another bird and realize we are not saving her for dinner.

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