Scooter the Splay Legged Lovebird Laid an EGG!


New member
Jul 28, 2011
Lovebird (Scooter) Rest in Peace :(
Hahns Macaw (Odin)
RIP. Baby Budgie Bird :'(
Some of you may remember my little bird Scooter, some of you may not. So here is a link (I hope it works) to one of my first posts about Scooter in case you want to get to know her a little better :)

Now, I know that female birds are going to lay eggs with or without a male present. The moment I realized she was most likely female I had a heart breaking moment. I thought that if Scooter tried to lay an egg she would get egg bound, I was sure that this was how I was going to lose her. So, you can imagine how shocked and scared I was when I came home from work, went to change her water and saw an EGG in her cage! I honestly did a happy dance! She did it! I honestly couldn't believe it, I still can't. For years I wished that she would never lay an egg because I expected the worst, but once again, she proved me wrong! Scooter has amazed me in so many ways already, but this took the cake. I had to share this with you, my fellow "parronts" because only you will understand how proud I am of my little splay legged bird <3

Thanks for taking the time to celebrate with us!
Awwww! Scooter, you ROCK!!! I have a soft spot for little Scooter and I'm so glad you chose to let us know about her egg, Zoey. Isn't she just the cleverest, bravest little thing? Congratulations from Barney, Madge, Dominic and The Lovies. They send approving squawks. :)

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