Seeds that turn into sprouts/grass?


New member
Aug 19, 2011
I grew a little box full of sprouts/grass for my bird once and he loved it, would get in a dig around and eat some of it, but I can't remember what seeds I used... I bought some cheap bird seed from the shop today thinking it was what I used last time and put it on some cotton wool balls and soaked it but after a week in the sun nothing hjas sprouted at all, I think I got the wrong seeds lol... does anyone do this or ever done it and know what seeds sprout and form long grass?



New member
Aug 15, 2011
I used to do this with canary seeds and feed the sprouts to finches and my tiels. As far as I know, all seeds should sprout in 1-2 days unless they are not fresh.

Maybe the seed you bought are not fresh?

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