She's never done this..


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
...they were both out. Amy on top of BB's house of course. I went in to say hi to them. Amy fluffed up her face and fanned her tail and lunged at me :58:, her beak striking BB's roof bars,as Beebs was walking up to get on my arm. Then Amy yoinked on his tail feathers! Scaring the little guy enough to make him jump/fly to the floor.
She has never done this before.
I told her NO! YOU DONT DO THAT!! and told her to step up on her perch stick and I put her back in her house for some time out,and to think what she just did.

So sorry to hear that this happened Jim but Im not experienced enough in Amazons to give you any advice but Im guessing some of the more experienced Amazon folk will be able to help you but from reading your post Im wondering is Amy hormonal at the moment and if he is then perhaps that could explain this sudden change in behaviour. Hope Amy calms down soon and comes back to her/his usual calm self ...hope BB is okay and none the worse for his fright and tail pull.
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So sorry to hear that this happened Jim but Im not experienced enough in Amazons to give you any advice but Im guessing some of the more experienced Amazon folk will be able to help you but from reading your post Im wondering is Amy hormonal at the moment and if he is then perhaps that could explain this sudden change in behaviour. Hope Amy calms down soon and comes back to her/his usual calm self ...hope BB is okay and none the worse for his fright and tail pull.

Thanks Mary...BB is fine,took it like a champ as usual..just concerned coz Amy has ALWAYS been calm and collective :green: :eek:

My first thought is jealousy issues. I know you've had Amy a very long time and love her a lot, so please dot take it offensively or anything because I know you'd never tick her off intentionally, but is it possible given BB is so new and a baby needing training/socilization you've been giving him a bit more attention than her? Or with everything going on in your life and now being the only human in the home regularly to play with the birds she is in general getting less attention and 'blaming' it on him?

Another thought is has Amy ever been around a truly smaller than her bird? It's possible with Smokey and Jonsey, they were of similar size and that kept her in her place so to speak. Being she is, uh, a biologically male sexually mature hot 3 amazon, it is also possible she has just decided to be a bit of a bully and assert her dominance over someone smaller than her?
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My first thought is jealousy issues. I know you've had Amy a very long time and love her a lot, so please dot take it offensively or anything because I know you'd never tick her off intentionally, but is it possible given BB is so new and a baby needing training/socilization you've been giving him a bit more attention than her? Or with everything going on in your life and now being the only human in the home regularly to play with the birds she is in general getting less attention and 'blaming' it on him?

Another thought is has Amy ever been around a truly smaller than her bird? It's possible with Smokey and Jonsey, they were of similar size and that kept her in her place so to speak. Being she is, uh, a biologically male sexually mature hot 3 amazon, it is also possible she has just decided to be a bit of a bully and assert her dominance over someone smaller than her?

I guess it IS possible for her to be jealous :eek: Yes BB is with me more often than her,even if her front door is open and she is out...guess I'd be jealous too :(

Fellow Amazon Lover, much can be read into what has happened today. It is well worth taking several steps back and take a long honest look at the original goal.

I remember that the stated reason for bring another Parrot into the household was for Amy. If anyone has gained from BB's arrival, it sure has not been Amy.

Enough said. Step Back and ask yourself the honest questions needed.
How has Amy been? Any more naughty behavior out of her towards BB?
I would definitely view this as jealousy, Jim. Don't think we know enough about their emotions to understand whether they have the self-control to keep them in check until they lash out as humans do.

Please monitor this closely for the safety of BB, as the size difference is tremendous. Not saying she would, but Amy is capable of inflicting lethal damage.
Hate say it Jim, but I think 'Boats hit it right on the head. As usual.

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