Skittles update


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
Lewiston, Maine
Neotropical Pigeon - "Skittles" (born 3/29/10)
Cockatiel - "Peaches" (1995-2015) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sammy"
(1989-2000) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sandy"
(1987-1989) R.I.P.
I wonder how Skittles is doing? Anyone know? It'd sure be nice if his owner would post an update...oh wait, that's me!

I've written my update in invisible text. You will need to be invisible to read it. Sorry, that's how it is. Cause I said so.
Good to see you again, only of course I can't since you're invisible. But that's ok, cos I'm invisible too ;)

I hope that both you and Skitty are well 🙏
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Well, Skittles is doing fantastic. He turned 12 in March and we celebrated his 11th "gotcha" day in April. The little bugger shows NO sign of slowing down. lol.

I got him a cuddle tunnel from MySafeBirdStore and he not only 'let me' put it in his cage, but he went right in it! It cost $32 for the small one, but its well made and he still hasn't destroyed it and I'm so glad I got it for him. I felt so bad cause I didn't get him anything for his adoption day, but I did get him something for his hatchday. Its just there two weeks apart and with the prices, it was hard. So I waited til I had to do a bulk order of his food and decided to get him a few goodies (like the tunnel).

I had to switch vets this year. He hadn't been to the vet since 2019 and the old vet was being ridiculous in their requirements and I wrote a bad review on Google and they didn't like it so they said I couldn't come back. His new vet is not as educated on avians (but is an avian vet) as his old one, but I think that's not gonna be such a big deal cause I'm pretty educated on him myself, I just don't have the tools or experience to do vet exams, trims or lab tests. They are also a bit closer too.

Anyways, I'll see about posting some updated pictures of him in the next few days. Hope you are all doing well and your feathered fids as well!!!
Oh my goodness! Not letting you come back because you left a bad review feels… not great. You’d think they would care enough about the birds welfare to put aside personal grievances.

Glad to hear the new vet is more convenient. Definitely looking forward to new photos of Skittles!!
Hey, good to hear from you and Skittie! Life intrudes upon us, and sometimes there is not leisure to do things like posting on here. Sometimes life is not all Beer and Skittles (ask one of our Brit members about that phrase!).

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