Sleep Routine


New member
Jul 19, 2022
Cherry head Conure
So for the last 15 years I have always put my Cherry Head Conure, Ernie to bed at 8pm and I cover his cage. Last night he decides to be restless for almost 2 hours ending up hanging on to the upper corner bars opposite his perches where he always sleeps. I donā€™t want to leave him hanging there all night so I get his travel carrier out and put him in it and he sleeps. Tonight the same thing. Not one thing has changed inside or out. Any suggestions?????
First, welcome to the forum!
That is strange if nothing has changed. Are you having strange weather, storms or anything that could be scaring Ernie?
If he feels safe in his carrier perhaps you could continue to do what you're doing, or even start him out in the carrier. I know a lot of birds like to have a sleep cage, but it seems odd for him to start that now. I think if he were mine that I would get him in to see the avian vet, just to make sure that nothing health related is happening.
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First, welcome to the forum!
That is strange if nothing has changed. Are you having strange weather, storms or anything that could be scaring Ernie?
If he feels safe in his carrier perhaps you could continue to do what you're doing, or even start him out in the carrier. I know a lot of birds like to have a sleep cage, but it seems odd for him to start that now. I think if he were mine that I would get him in to see the avian vet, just to make sure that nothing health related is happening.
Iā€™ve been racking my brain and canā€™t think of anything. It canā€™t be anything in the cage because he spends a great deal of the day in there. I left him in there for a while last night after I shut everything down and he stayed in the spot so I took him out. I do have an appt so I will mention it. Thanks
Actually, when a bird grips a perch or upside down in the cage the tendons actually lock, I read an awesome thing about it, that's how they hang on to perches dead asleep and don't fall off even in wind. It's like us locking our knee, (only that causes us to pass out). So not for nothing, the bird is not getting tired or burning more calories in this position.

If you google like birds locked feet perching or something similar it will come up.

As for the change in behavior.... do they go to that part of the cage during the day? Or are they completely avoiding it?
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Actually, when a bird grips a perch or upside down in the cage the tendons actually lock, I read an awesome thing about it, that's how they hang on to perches dead asleep and don't fall off even in wind. It's like us locking our knee, (only that causes us to pass out). So not for nothing, the bird is not getting tired or burning more calories in this position.

If you google like birds locked feet perching or something similar it will come up.

As for the change in behavior.... do they go to that part of the cage during the day? Or are they completely avoiding it?
I did google it and most said it is ok. There was one that said it wasnā€™t healthy. When I came home today he was on the bottom grate walking around. When I went to talk to him before letting him out I went to the side where he sleeps and he came over there. I will leave him be tonight and see how it goes. Maybe I will move his perches around and see if that helps. Strange creatures they can be sometimes. Gotta love ā€˜em.
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So for the last 15 years I have always put my Cherry Head Conure, Ernie to bed at 8pm and I cover his cage. Last night he decides to be restless for almost 2 hours ending up hanging on to the upper corner bars opposite his perches where he always sleeps. I donā€™t want to leave him hanging there all night so I get his travel carrier out and put him in it and he sleeps. Tonight the same thing. Not one thing has changed inside or out. Any suggestions?????
OMG! He was too hot with his cover on his cage. When I put him in he immediately went to the side and hung there. I left the cover off of that side and a while later checked and he is sitting on his perch where the cover is open being quiet. Yeah!!!
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Well weā€™ve still been having problems. The last 3 nights I have had to keep him in his carrier at night cause he climbs all over the cage and wonā€™t settle down. Came home from work today and found about 10 dime size drops of dried up blood. Almost impossible to find an avian vet for an emergency but finally did. He had two spots on belly, one by each leg that he had been chewing on for a while. He will have surgery tonight to fix the wounds and a cone to wear when I get bring him home in the am. Still donā€™t know why???
Something is scaring him?

Did you get a new item of furniture or lamp? A construction crane outside your window? Those are things that have upset my birds to the point of screaming rigid terror.
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Something is scaring him?

Did you get a new item of furniture or lamp? A construction crane outside your window? Those are things that have upset my birds to the point of screaming rigid terror.
I did transplant a plant a few weeks ago and noticed some gnats around. Could they be bothering him? I took all the plants outside this morning to see if that was it. I do have some dishes out with dish soap and vinegar. Found the one in his room had a lot of them in the bowl this morning
Well weā€™ve still been having problems. The last 3 nights I have had to keep him in his carrier at night cause he climbs all over the cage and wonā€™t settle down. Came home from work today and found about 10 dime size drops of dried up blood. Almost impossible to find an avian vet for an emergency but finally did. He had two spots on belly, one by each leg that he had been chewing on for a while. He will have surgery tonight to fix the wounds and a cone to wear when I get bring him home in the am. Still donā€™t know why???


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Iā€™ve had birds that were really afraid of insects. And I suppose they might be some kind of insect thatā€™s biting him?

Or, If the plant is tall, he might be afraid of it (the high-up predator hawk fear). But that doesnā€™t explain the blood.

I have these granules called mosquito bits that contain a natural bacteria that kills those gnats (and mosquitos). I used to have lots of orchids and they would get compost gnats. Thatā€™s one way to make the gnats go away. Or, just removing the plants will soon remove the population of gnats. The leftovers donā€™t live very long.
Heā€™s beautiful! I had a wonderful cherry head who had been abused and was blind from eye trauma. He was THE NICEST BIRD. He supplanted Lucy for a little while.

I hope you can fix this. Maybe this IS parasites (those gnats biting him)? Thatā€™s very unusual in a pet bird.

Because of the location of chewing, any chance that your boy is hormonal and chewing at his naughty bits?
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Heā€™s beautiful! I had a wonderful cherry head who had been abused and was blind from eye trauma. He was THE NICEST BIRD. He supplanted Lucy for a little while.

I hope you can fix this. Maybe this IS parasites (those gnats biting him)? Thatā€™s very unusual in a pet bird.

Because of the location of chewing, any chance that your boy is hormonal and chewing at his naughty bits?
I did take all the plants out this morning. Hopefully that will help. He had two areas one on the belly by each leg that he had been chewing on for a while. One bigger than the other. Itā€™s hard for him to trust me right now. He doesnā€™t want to or know how to step up with the cone. Maybe tomorrow will be better
Wellllllll, I just gotta contribute this. Over our 38 years together, the Rb will do something one way for decades and suddenly, one day, NOPE not gonna do it. I have arrived at a hypothesis... I think he has nightmares, wakes up, can't remember/realize it's only a dream, and suddenly changes behavior. I have observed him having apparent nightmares during naps, waking up abruptly, and running around yelling, throwing things, gradually calming, but then showing an odd behavior or two. What to do about it? Try not to lose your mind!
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I haven't been on in a while been busy with Ernie. 3 weeks after his surgery went back to my vet for the stitches to be removed and a checkup. He ended up having an impacted preen gland. Was on antibiotics and anti inflammatory meds. Cone has been off for 3 weeks now and he is doing great, no picking, happy as can be. The only difference is he will not sleep in his big cage any longer. I have a travel carrier that he sleeps in in a different room where he gets complete peace at night. I have a camera that I can check in on him during the day. This has been a savior as I can make sure he is not picking. After 17 years of having him this is the first time he has ever gotten sick and boy I was not prepared for what I went thru. I was very stressed out but we are both getting back to normal now. Thanks to all that left me suggestions, they do help!
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Wellllllll, I just gotta contribute this. Over our 38 years together, the Rb will do something one way for decades and suddenly, one day, NOPE not gonna do it. I have arrived at a hypothesis... I think he has nightmares, wakes up, can't remember/realize it's only a dream, and suddenly changes behavior. I have observed him having apparent nightmares during naps, waking up abruptly, and running around yelling, throwing things, gradually calming, but then showing an odd behavior or two. What to do about it? Try not to lose your mind!
Unfortunately I did lose my mind a little but I did lean a lot from all of this. :)

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