So many questions


New member
Aug 19, 2018
1 Male eclectus
So, I'm Emi (Imemi)
This is a long story with questions. I can TL;DR the end ;)

Me and my housemate and his two kids made the "family" decision to get a male Eclectus.

Basically we found a male in early July, he was wonderfully gentle, tame and an absolute character. He barked like a dog, said "No" very clearly and mimicked the phone message tone of his owner (which we realised when we got him home.) He had no qualms about car travel and entranced my housemates kids, my housemate and myself. I told them we would do a lot of research and work out if one was for us.

I kept in contact with the other one (Roger One's) owner. They told me they'd had two boys in early June and would be thrilled if I took one. Having met the father and mother and seen the conditions they were kept and raised in. Knowing the birds were well cared for and loved and beautifully natured and that they'd sourced the birds from all over...I was keen.

He is about 10 weeks old (Or will be on Tuesday or Wednesday), Not weaned fully but he sure does try everything we give him. He was on about 30cc of Vetafarm Neocare per feed 3 - 5 times a day depending on what else he'd eaten.

He was hand reared, his brother came out of the egg and had the membrane still wrapped around his leg and needed extra care so they took both boys in and hand-reared them. The lady that did it had him sleeping in a cat bed in her bed, sleeping with a teddy bear wrapped in a blanket. If he needed to be contained she covered a bassinet.

So, the TL;DR bit:
1) He's never been contained but I feel we should be able to, will introducing a cage at this point cause him any distress?

2) Since being with us he's refusing most of his liquid feeds. I'm not sure if this is because he associated his previous carer with them, just the change of environment or something else. I'm creating it with the exact measurements his previous carer did, the same temperatures and everything. He'll take maybe 10cc of liquid off me (Even with the rest of it being kept heated to the right temperature.) Then all he does is attack the syringe, shake his head, refuse to take it and eventually give me a warning that he's unhappy.

3) Is there an average size for an Eckie of this age? They told me he was the biggest 9.5 week old one that they'd ever seen and quite frankly he's very nearly the size of his father.

He's filling himself up with food, I'm not overly worried, more concerned about dehydration if anything as we've been keeping it a balmy 24 degrees in here.

I have a vet check with my local avian vet on Tuesday next week. I speak to his old carer again tomorrow but any suggestions for any of the above is greatly appreciated.
Hi Emi, we also have an Ecky that is now 4 mths old which we bought from a lady in Wardel NSW. He is pretty much the same and free flies around the house all day and eats 50% of the day. We leave food in about 4 spots for him. We harness trained him at 8 weeks so we can take him out in the street each day and meet people. He went off his formula about 4 weeks ago but likes to attack the feeding spoon so we put a little warm oats in it sometimes. He eats anything we give him so we have to be careful. Not sure if we are doing the right thing but he's a sweet bird. Loves a drive in the car on a perch between the front seats. Likes to snuggle up for a couple of hours before bed in his covered box. He has a very large cage with his box in it but only spends maybe 30 mins a day in it when we might be cooking. The past couple of days we've hung him in a tree in a cage in the sun before it gets too hot and he loves it. There are many birds in our garden to watch. Hope this helps. John
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Thanks John!
I'm keen to get this guy harness trained too but I'm giving him a settling period. I might just put his pet bed in the cage when we get it just to make the conversion easier. I don't want him to be distressed is all. He's been quiet but is showing his attitude now and demanding things off me. Which is great as I'm the one home with him all day at the moment.

I've started to put food and water everywhere but he basically doesn't leave the table, his perch or the floor depending on where I put him. I figure that'll change very soon as he is now stretching out and "pretending" to fly. I've checked it's not wing flipping or anything, this seems like natural "I'm pretty sure these wings do something." very natural learning to fly stuff (even my budgies did this stuff when I was a kid.) I'm just being careful he doesn't launch off something towards one of the windows.

Which harness did you get? I want to get him used to putting it on and taking it off before I take him outside with it. He'll come out currently tucked into a hoodie and snuggled close. I'm just careful, a lot of my outside time is spent supervising my ferrets in their play pen and I just can't risk him with them. Although it'd be nice to be able to take my big boy Dozer on his walks with the bird too hehe.

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