specific duties


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Mar 10, 2011

My lovely wife and I are owners of a 3 years old GCC called Momo-chan. I am sure you all know the great pleasure a companion like this provides. We have had him for two and a half years now. Now, i have so many questions coming to my mind about this little treasure. I call him "the boss" when i talk about him to my friends as he is virtually running the show at home! The interesting point is that my wife and I appears to have been given specific tasks. For example, she can hold him like the famous ice cream cone, i would not be allowed to do so in a million years. However, i am the head scratch tool and no chance for my wife to scratch his head. does it mean that he has decided who has the best skills for such or such interaction? i would love to hear from people with similar observations.
Also, one question about the GCC memory. there is always someone at home, however, it seems that our lovely Momo-chan needs some time to recognize (remember?) who we are when coming back from work or so. I can tell you that he doesn't like having his territory invaded by someone....until he knows it is me or my lady. does it mean we should take more time to enter the house so he knows who is coming?

I have some more material but i need to keep some for later posts.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the above.

Speak soon.


New member
Aug 11, 2010
Santa Barbara county, California
One Green Cheek Conure: Tori
Momo as in peach? How cute! I named my little GCC "Tori" *caughBIRDcaugh*
I'm so creative!

As far as your Momo being picky about who does what with him, I haven't seen Tori do that at all. He generally isn't a fan of people's hands behind him, but he does occasionally let us scratch him. When hes in the mood for a scratch it doesn't matter who does it. However, he will not let my mom or brother hold him on their hands or arms, but he will go on their shoulders, where as he doesn't like to be on my sister's shoulder, but sits nicely on her finger.

When you enter the house, do you make a lot of racket, or do anything that could upset your bird? Is his cage near the door? Maybe you entering the house just disturbed him. I know when people go in and out of the house, Tori gets annoyed and puffs up because the sound of the door bothers him a bit.


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Mar 10, 2011
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Yes, Momo as a peach, my wife named him.
The cage is at the opposite end of the house, but he knows when we are touching the door. also, before he sees us, we are calling him to give him a hint of who is in the house. I was always under the impression that scared birds would be very quiet...i obviously did not count on conures! however, he know how to make himself totally conspicuous when he is up to no good. I will alway be amazed how intelligent these creatures are!


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Jan 13, 2011
lmao i too am very worried when my nut goes quiet! :11:

yes we have different tasks there 3 of us in nuts house hold, lets face it, like our friends have said our birds rule the roost :)

my mans her fav person, but she tolerates me as i'm in the house with her more, and my son is her fav chew toy! she never sets out to bite him, but he just wont listen to her simple body language!

we can all give her head rubs, and handle her, when she wants lol

she has her main cage in front room window and her sleep cage on kitchen table, so she can travel with us as we go from room to room

intelligent?? she had us all trained to do her bidding within the week lol :22:

right now is is perched on a cushion taking a pre lunch nap, i am home so she knows she'll be sharing mine!! :32: to day its pasta and salad


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Mar 10, 2011
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True, there is a family reunion everyday around the table...we all share the same food. however, we are being carefull not to give him too much of our bad things!...he is the healthy guy in the family! if only i could be like him!


New member
Jan 13, 2011
True, there is a family reunion everyday around the table...we all share the same food. however, we are being carefull not to give him too much of our bad things!...he is the healthy guy in the family! if only i could be like him!

lol i always cook with nut in mind, so we are all eating low fat/no salt :21:

bet thats nuts fav part of the day, not because we are eating, as her table manners have improved, but as we are all together, depending on meal sometimes she is sat by my man, or others in her cage an i feed her with chop sticks :p:32: she has her own bowl at the table and its funny as, she always looks in her bowl and then at everyones plate before she eats, like when we had steak, her bowl had none! :mad: she sat pointing nearly had her beak in mine till i cut her some off, blew on it an popped it into her bowl! :32:

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