Stewie settling in.


New member
Mar 9, 2014
Well I guess the honeymoon is over with Stewie. After a few weeks of fairly uneventful behaviors, Stewie is now making her likes and especially her dislikes known. I have been having quite a time the last couple of days with redirecting her when she doing something she shouldn't, like chewing on my headset. I tell her no-bite and remove/redirect her to something else, usually one of the nearby play areas. The last couple of days, while she will voluntarily step up and allow me to move her, she pinches/bites pretty hard to let me know her displeasure after she steps off. At first I thought she was cranky because of lack of sleep or heat, but last night she had plenty of sleep and so far today, it is not really hot yet. She still gets plenty of head scratches and I sing to her regularly and interact with her, but when she wants to chew on my headset or the arm of my office chair, she becomes very single-minded. Any ideas on how to peacefully redirect her attention? She has plenty of wood toys and blocks filled with treats to chew on, I have even strung some buttons and hang them around my neck so she has something acceptable to play with when she is on my shoulder, but some days, it is not enough.

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