Struggling with the decision to clip Maui's wing feathers


New member
Sep 25, 2010
Bradenton, FL.
Maui - Male CAG (my baby) (Mom's babies) KiKi - Sun Conure, Fred & Wilma - Fisher Lovebirds, Gully,Sweetie,Baby - Cockatiels, Mork & Mindy - Zebra Finches Luna,Sky,Jilly - Budgies 16 Gouldian Finches
Okay, so, here's a little info about my living situation.

My hubby and I are temporarily living with my folks, so, In a 3 bedroom 2 bath home we have:

Kevin and I, my 2 teen daughters, my folks and my 21 yr old daughter who is sleeping on the couch.

As you can imagine the front door opens and closes constantly throughout the day, generally speaking, Maui is out on the lanai, however, I bring him in the house a lot when I'm in here. He is ESPECIALLY curious about the front door, as SOON as he see's it open, if he's in the house, he flies straight toward the door, usually landing on the lamp shade on the end table just left of the door. Thankfully, I'm usually "Johnny on the spot" when it comes to guarding the door, but, what if I were in the restroom, or outside for a moment, a moment is all it takes and I would be beside myself if I lost him.

He's been flying for about 3 weeks now, he flies very well :). I don't know how long I should wait before I clip him, I wanted to keep him fully flighted for a good couple of months before slowly taking his flight down to a minimum, but to where he could still keep himself from falling. But, now, I'm afraid that if I don't get him clipped, he WILL fly away, it's not even a matter of IF, it's WHEN.
I HATE that I even have to consider it this early, but I'm just so afraid that he's going to get out, by someones mistake of opening that front door and not getting it closed in time.

Any suggestions, recommendations, opinions? ALL are welcomed, I really need to get a peace one way or the other about this. As you all can imagine, I would be SICK if I lost my baby.
Oh Lisa!

Maui has many MANY years of happy flying time ahead if you want him flighted, but you're right, in such a busy household it is much safer to clip. It's only temporary!

I think we need to ask Bob pretty please with sugar on top....Booooooooobbbbb.....?

Hey Lisa, I don't envy you that decision, but the reason I clip is for the exact same situation, my birds are usually always out when I'm home and with people going in and out as though there was a revolving door and a couple of close calls I made the decision to clip, for me the fear of any of them getting out and not surviving in the wild outweighed the benifit of free flight in the house, you've been here long enough to have read a number of sad stories of escaped birds, a couple have had happy endings where the bird was recovered, but most don't end that way, I've always felt that clipping is a personal decision one has to make based on their own set of cercustances, since your going to Dr. Bonda tomorrow I would ask his advice as well, if he agrees that you should clip, you can have them do it, or save the money and I'll be happy to do it for you :)
Lisa if I was in your situation I would certainly clip, you know me by now
It would not be a permanent thing, but for the mean time and the safety and wellbeing of Maui rather clip him. Each time he is out now, you are going to be stressed and worried thinking "what if" it is just not worth the chance.
I am begging you, Maui's life depends on your decision.
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Yeah, I honestly think it's in all of our best interest, Maui surely would NOT survive the elements of a HOT Florida's day, let alone the family of Hawks that live directly behind my home.:11:

And, I would be SO devatstated too! I think a visit from Bob is in order, and soon!!
Yeah, I honestly think it's in all of our best interest, Maui surely would NOT survive the elements of a HOT Florida's day, let alone the family of Hawks that live directly behind my home.:11:

And, I would be SO devatstated too! I think a visit from Bob is in order, and soon!!

My have been answered.
I thank you and I am sure Maui does as well
Looks like you have good advice. Rather clip than be sorry. I liked when Rosie was flighted because she ate more and gained a little wt. and vet said she was a robust little timneh which made me feel good. But alas when I saw her at my bird club flying into the celing fixtures I know it was clip.
I agree with the others that clipping is probably the best option but I want to add a few ideas about possibly keeping him flighted
this is just what I do and my situation may well be very different but here it is anyways

8am kids up birds out for flight and play ( usually they just stay on their hanging gym at this time )
9am flying time ( recall training and a chase me game to encourage him to get it out if his system and also improve coordination
10am cage time
12-2.30pm free time out of cage flying playing etc
2.30-7 cage time
7-8pm training and flight in a closed room ( no entry sign on the door so kids don't just open and come in )

9am big kid goes school and little ones to small to open doors
12-2.30 is when my little one is asleep so it's safe time for birds to be out
7-8 kids are not allowed outside after this time and partner knows to knock 1st so I can shut birds away before letting him in

Possibly if you look at the house hold routine you can find some times during the day when he could be allowed free flight in the house

Possibly even just a few hours out in the lanai while you read a book
and a sign for the door ( birds flying free inside ) knock/ring bell and wait for answer

You just have to keep it locked from the inside

Hope I've helped offer another perspective and good luck whatever you choose
Yeah, I honestly think it's in all of our best interest, Maui surely would NOT survive the elements of a HOT Florida's day, let alone the family of Hawks that live directly behind my home.:11:

And, I would be SO devatstated too! I think a visit from Bob is in order, and soon!!

Ummmm come to the meeting tonight and either I or the bird groomer thats at all the meetings can do it for you ;)
You are clipping for the right reasons...Maui's safety. Our birds are flighted and that works for us, but that doesn't mean it works for everyone. Don't let anyone make you feel bad about this decision. Remember, it isn't permanent so when he starts molting, watch closely, they start flying with only a few flight feathers.
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SOOO, Maui's been clipped.:( I have to be honest, it really does hurt my heart for him. I had originally planned to try to keep him flighted, for as long as I could. The problem is, I can only account for myself and my husband himself, I can't account for the 2 flaky teens, my folks or even my 21 yr old. Meaning, if it were JUST myself and my hubby, Maui would continue to be flighted, but, My teens just can't, wont' and don't account for everything before making a decision to:
a. turn the ceiling fans on.
b. stand in the doorway with the door wide open yelling to their friends in their cars in the driveway.
c. turn the stove off.
d. put the toilet seat down or at least keep the bathroom door closed.

Just to name a few. They don't take into consideration, oh, wait, is the bird in the house?

Therefore, I'm ONLY doing this for the safety and the home keeping of Maui. I do feel bad, it breaks my heart that I've HAD to take this new found freedom of his away. But, I have to consider ALL things and circumstances and make an educated decision and this was it.

For anyone who wants to know; Maui was clipped by a professiona groomer this evening at the bird club meeting. Obviously, he wasn't "thrilled" about being toweled and put on his back, but he handled it rather well and even stepped up for her and gave her kisses AFTER she clipped his nails and wings. :) This was Maui's first public outting, he did really well and was a little bit coddled over, cuz he's so darn sweet and cute and he also got to meet ASHLEY!!! Bob's new baby girl. They checked each other out a bit, but neither wanted to get too close tonight, just look. Ashley looks better than she did last week! :) Bob has done such an amazing job with her, she was SUCH a good girl, stepped up for several people tonight and everything. She is such a sweet girl, I'm so glad Bob brought her tonight, she's improving by leaps and bounds, this little girl. All because Bob showed her another wonderful way of life than what she'd been experiencing.:21: He is her hero!! And psst... shhh don't tell him I said this but, I think SHE is his too.;)
You did what you had to do, even though it broke your heart. At least you know Maui will be safe and not accidentally fly away. Be proud of Maui, for behaving in public, you have taught him well.
Both Bobby and Ashley deserve on another.
So thrilled that Ashley has got another chance in life of being happy and well cared for, and there is no one else better to do the job than Bobby (and of course Norf)
Lisamarie/Bob- Where are your bird club meetings?
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Hey Ozzie, they are in Sarasota at the Sahib Shrine Temple. You should make it a point to head down for one, Ozzie. That would be fantastic!!
I know its a bit of a trip from Orlando, but your welcome anytime, we usually have some pretty interesting guest speakers, last night it was Jean "The African Queen" Pattison, a well known breeder of both African Greys and many Poicephalus species, your Avian Vet, Dr. Teresa Lightfoot is scheduled to speak at one of our meetings in the next month or so :)

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