Such a clever girl!!!!


Nov 30, 2018
Giggles - Red Crowned Kakariki
Giggles wanted to get back in her cage (food is there) So yesty she landed on her cage and couldn't work it out. Couldn't quite find away down to the doors. Today she was looking around and got a little braver and got down onto the side, slide down a little tried to turn the corner to head towards the door, slipped flew off and landed on the shelf next to her opened cage door looked at the open door and jumped in to her cage (there are 2 doors on the side and the front one) We have all open when she is out hoping she can get herself in. I thought I might have to teach her once I can handle her.

I also made the front door kinds like a draw bridge she could land on to see if that would help. it didn't but looks cool. But nice knowing when she is out I don't have to put food and water out with her all the time if she can keep going into the cage herself. :green1:

Had to share I got so excited and proud of her. Even made my husband come from other end of house to see.
NICE! Yeah when a bird can take care of itself it is a huge relief. Clark normally has the run of the place because over time I've programmed myself to always have a knowledge of where he is. But alas he usually just wants to be on me so I have a feeding station, not part of his upstairs cage, in my "man cave" he can get to at anytime.
Bravo, Giggles! Little Giggles is wasting no time learning to navigate her territory, sounds like she's having fun training her humans too.
Smart bird. :)

I always let the cages be *the* place to go to for a drink, a quick snack or a meal (and some catnapping) so is is rewarding/fun for them to return there.
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Yea, I would open her cage when she is allowed out to find her own way. In hopes she can find her way back, always leaving it open. She even watches me open it now and I take a step back, not long til she will come out.
I would put some seed and water out for her now I don't have to.

I still spend time with her in the morning before she comes out. I can get my face close to her but still cant touch her. Closest I can get is during bath time. Other times not as close, like she has a fear to be grabbed. She has started flying more, getting her confidence up and she flies near me often and still talks to me with her Giggles as I whistle back to her. I know (hope) in her own time she will come to me so I try and not do any thing rash (fast) and when I move my hands towards her, always talking to her and slow. It has never taken so long for me to gain the trust of animals but I have never had birds before.

But she is my delightful joy. Love watching her learn new things and get her way around.

Once she is comfortable to be handled then I might think about harness training. If so she can come outside when the weather is nice. But only time will tell. :green1:

I am glad I can share her journey and progress
and I am always glad to read about to you both. :)

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