Such compassion and empathy


New member
Feb 5, 2014
Rosa (9) the wonderful U2 -gotcha day Mar 2, 2014
Grey IRN baby - Coming home July 2015
So, Rosa has only been with us a few days. Unfortunately this week has been hard emotionally for me, due to some unexpected news. Yesterday I was having a moment, and was sitting on the couch crying pretty hard. Rosa was in her cage, though the door was open, and she came over to my end. She tried to reach her foot through the bars, but when she couldnt reach, she climbed around, came out and clambered her way over to the couch where she climbed up, crawled up my tummy and nestled herself under my chin. She was mumbling and making these soft, sweet sounds while nuzzling my chin and neck.

This made me cry harder. Haha She's very obviously a very special bird. She showed me so much compassion and empathy in that moment, despite all of the confusion she herself must be feeling.

Even though I am wondering what the future is going to hold for me, now I know that I am very blessed to have her with me for it.

Parrots are incredibly empathic... all of them.

Some are more demonstrative than others about this.
I am so sorry you are going through a hard time, but I am so glad that you have Rosa there to comfort you. What a wonderful girl she is:)
They are such intelligent, emphatic creatures! I think you and Rosa were meant to be - she, to comfort you and you, to do the same for her.
They really are amazing! I have been offered comfort by my birds as well when it was truly needed. Give Rosa extra scritches from all of us for being so sweet and loving to her person!
What a great and special moment is that. A moment to remember forever. Rosa is a very sweet bird. A real treasure. Thanks for sharing. Beautiful to read.
I hope it will be better with you very soon. Meanwhile, enjoy Rosa as lovely as she is.
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Shes a great girl, Im so glad she's joined our family. :)

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