Sun Conure vs Green Cheeck Conure


New member
Aug 24, 2011
New Jersey
Female Dusky Conure (Kayak) Female Sun Conure (Carlisle) Female Budgie (Meister) Male Budgie (Spooky Burd)
Both of them can be great cuddlers. My Sun is a cuddle bug and my ex has a GCC who is really cuddly too. When it comes to noise my Sun makes a hell of a racket! My ex's GCC is quiet, but he too can make quite a bit of noise when he wants something. All birds are going to be noisy. I'd suggest going and visiting some birds before making a decision. You never know what you might fall in love with. I would've never dreamed of having a Dusky Conure but after meeting her I fell in love and had to adopt her.

Don't pick on looks. Remember what they say, don't judge a book by it's cover! The bird may be beautiful on the outside, but ugly on the inside and have a terrible personality. (funny how this applies to humans as well.....)


New member
May 20, 2013
:rainbow1: Hi I just wanted to give my little
but of info :) I just bought 2 male green cheeks
for my boys from an aviary who had every
kind of parrot and more of what I had even
heard of . We currently travel in a 5 th wheel
camper 5 of us 3 of us are my little boys.
We had to sell our dog and I felt terrible
about it so I asked my husband about
A different kind of pet ( birds ) and his response
was I don't want noisy birds:( so that challenged
me I spoke with Shane at the aviary about
Sun, Green Cheeks , Cockatiels .... and his
response was green cheeks for low noise
and their playfulness and ability to learn
no there not huge talkers but very fun enjoy
your company . So I bought 2 and no complaints
while we were there he had all the babies
Together so the boys could choose and oh
my lans were they loud !!!!! but just the 2 and
you hardly know there here !!! They chatter
the loudest for breakfast but not much they
eat all the time and be prepared for lots of poop
And being pooped on needless to say my laundry
has picked up and the boys impatience of
training ! Them to do tricks and talk but we love them
I will say buying 2 was good in one since and bad in another
they love each other so much but when you
Take one out to play the other calls it back :(
The suns are undoubtably beautiful but we
bought our green cheeks in the color
Pineapple and their geourgeous !!! Bright yellow
,red,blue and green on the wings just beautiful !! I
Hope this helps some but were very happy
with our green cheeks they love, love toys
and they didn't require a monstrous cage :):rainbow1:


New member
Aug 23, 2012
Gilbert Oliver, Blue Crown Conure; Georgie, Sun Conure (2/8/01-8/8/12) RIP little girl; Percy, budgie 1993-1999. RIP Pepito-spanish timbrado canary
So much of this depends on the individual bird and you as an individual. I personally lean toward the aratinga personalities, but then i do like and appreciate all the conures (and really, all birds in their own way). My personal experience with my sun was that she was a "velcro bird" (LOL), being cuddly to the extreme, wanting my constant attention and not being overly squawky except when she was young (her terrible twos) and if she was mad about something. Other than that, although VERY loud, her squawking was not excessive. She was comical and smart and a great dancer.
My blue crown is more "plain" looking but has a huge personality and is extremely sweet. Many times i have said to my friends "this bird is DOPE!!!!" I think he is awesome!! So, going back to the 'don't judge a book by its cover' thing, it is probably best to just have a general idea and then go based on who you like and who likes you.


New member
Jun 17, 2012
United States of America/ Kansas
Captain Jack (Hahn's macaw)

Clover (green cheek conure)
Conures can be noisey for their size. Their pitch can annoy some people. And yes all written words state a green cheek conure is not as noisey as a sun conure. I live a quiet life my dog does not bark that often so my green cheek conure does not make loud noises that often. Most reasons a conure is rehomed is because of noise. There was a craigslist add where the person that had a sun and jenday admitted the birds were to loud for them but they were friendly birds
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New member
May 9, 2013
Sun conure "Akiro"
Indian ring neck "Ollie"
Indian ring neck "kiwi"
Green cheek conure "squeakers"
I like sun conures but that's probably because I have one :D but I feel like mines the only one who is never loud, the only noise that I hear from him is clicking before bed time. I guess I just got lucky and got a quiet sun:rolleyes:


Feb 28, 2013
Green Cheek Conure Pee-Wee
It is inaccurate to assert, as some have here, that all conures are noisy.

The Aratinga genus (which include the Sun) is among the most noisy of all parrots because of its piercing call. Just search for "Sun Conure screaming" on Youtube for a sense of how piercing their screech can be. My favorite bird store in San Francisco does NOT sell Aratinga conures for this very reason.

On the other hand, Pyrrhurra genus conures (which includes green cheeks) are among the quietest of all parrots. Many breeders sell them SPECIFICALLY because they are very quiet. I have owned a GCC for 14 years. Even at her loudest she is tolerable. But her loud moments last only a minute, and are perhaps twice a day. Most of the time she makes no noise at all. In my experience, GCCs will sit quietly for hours at a time, and will play and interact without making a sound.

During the past month I saw a Jenday (very similar to a Sun) and a GCC who were caged alone at two separate pet stores. The Jenday would screech if you approached it and then kept repeating its screech, which is totally normal for the bird who is trying to call out to other "flock" members. The GCC, on the other hand, made no sound when I approached it, scratched it neck, talked to it, and then walked away.

Both are friendly, intelligent, and cuddly birds. Suns are spectacularly colored and larger than GCCs and I would have bought a sun years ago if not for the noise factor.

But make no mistake that these birds are very different in terms of noise level.:green2:


New member
Jan 28, 2012
Rotonda West , Fla
yellow sided green cheek conure,Chiquita Quaker parrot Sweetie Pie, African red bellied parrot Tiki, spanish timbrado canary Lucas
Just my 2 cents. I stood outside a cage of sun conures that had about 10 in the cage. It was either disney world or Bush Garden in any case they all started to scream and I had to put my hands over my ears and walk away and it took quite a while for my ears to stop ringing. Granted there were a lot of birds but I can't tolerate the pitch or sound level and I decided right then I would never own one. No offence to any one. I now own three parrots and my quietest is my african red bellied who usually clicks and whistes, next is my gcc who is a slightly high pitched bird but no where near as loud. My canary sings louder. My loudest bird is my Quaker parrot but his pitch is lower though he is a lot noisier in comparison to the others. In case you think I can't tolerate noise ,we have always had dogs, we used to have geese, ducks and chickens and lots of roosters and at present besides our own dogs the neighbor on one side has two yappy jack russles and a lab and the other neighbor on our other side has a cocker spaniel and a mini poodle and both neighbors keep their dogs in fenced areas with pet door so they are out a lot. We have been here for 5 years . And by the way I love the sound of roosters crowing but can't have them here. Go listen to the birds you like and see what you can tolerate and what appeals to you. Everybody is different. And have fun:D


Feb 28, 2013
Green Cheek Conure Pee-Wee
Just my 2 cents. I stood outside a cage of sun conures that had about 10 in the cage. It was either disney world or Bush Garden in any case they all started to scream and I had to put my hands over my ears and walk away and it took quite a while for my ears to stop ringing. Granted there were a lot of birds but I can't tolerate the pitch or sound level and I decided right then I would never own one. No offence to any one. I now own three parrots and my quietest is my african red bellied who usually clicks and whistes, next is my gcc who is a slightly high pitched bird but no where near as loud. My canary sings louder. My loudest bird is my Quaker parrot but his pitch is lower though he is a lot noisier in comparison to the others. In case you think I can't tolerate noise ,we have always had dogs, we used to have geese, ducks and chickens and lots of roosters and at present besides our own dogs the neighbor on one side has two yappy jack russles and a lab and the other neighbor on our other side has a cocker spaniel and a mini poodle and both neighbors keep their dogs in fenced areas with pet door so they are out a lot. We have been here for 5 years . And by the way I love the sound of roosters crowing but can't have them here. Go listen to the birds you like and see what you can tolerate and what appeals to you. Everybody is different. And have fun:D

I agree ... it's the pitch of a sun conure's loud voice that makes it painful.

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